To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Five: Lake

I barded into my room, a wild grin still on my face. I had to explain to my mother why I was so excited, which sucked up time, from my race. Which, I was totaly and completly planning on winning. I pulled my drawer quickly opened, and yanked out my favotire bikini. Zebra prink covered it, with a hot pink trim, pretty amazing. I ran to my bathroom, bikini in hand, to grab a towel. After I grabbed a clean, tan, towel, I threw that, into my beach bag, along with sunscreen.

I know what you may be thinking, sunscreen? It’s not like she’ll be swmming for that long. But trust me, that lake is more fun than it seems, plus I want to tan before school starts. Can’t be looking like a vampire next to Joey, now can I?

With my small bag, now packed, I raced to put on my bikini, then re-put on my dress. After, a good five minutes of preparations, I threw my sunglasses over my eyes, and ran out of the house, shouting, “Mah, lake swimming. Call you later to inform you I havent drowned,” just to inform her on my plan of communication.

I gripped my bag to my shoulder, while I held onto my glasses for dear life, as I ran, full speed toward our lake. I must look like a complete idiot. A competitive idiot none the less. With my heart racing, and my breathing accelerated, I reached the lake. I peered around, no body was there. “Yes!” I shouted with glee.

Happy with my victory, I walked toward the waters edge, and kicked off my boots before descending my feet into the cool lake water. I smiled my eyes closes, as I et my feet soak, for not even a moment before I felt a tugging at my feet. Joey and I, in all the times we had swam in that lake had never seen or felt any kind of fish. I let out a shriek, jumping from the water in fear.

I looked at the water, shacking slightly from the startle. Once I saw who cause my near heart attack, I laughed. “Joey I hate you!” I laughed, as he shook his soaking wet hair in my direction. I laughed, jumping back.

“I won by the way,” He stated, pushing his hair out of his beautiful face. I gasped, no he hadn’t! I was here first, fair and square.

“Liar,” I objected, pulling my belt from my waist.

He shook his wet, now shaggy hair, “I was already in the water when you came in and shouted yes,” He explained. I groaned, the jerk had gotten here first. He does live two minutes away. That could also be a factor.

“What ever,” I laughed, pulling my dress, up and over my head, revealing my bikini and half naked body. “I’d move if I were you,” I said, backing up a few feet, then I ran, sprinting myself a few feet into the water. I opened my eyes, seeing clear threw the surprisingly, clear water, I saw everything around me, the small lake plants that laced the bottom of the lake, to the bright sun shining down onto me.

I kicked my legs, and swam to the top. I pushed my hair back, looking around for Joey. No where in sight, I groaned, looking to the water below me, seeing as I was treading water. No Joey. “Joey!” I called out.

“Yes Emma?” A sweet voice said from behind me, the same instant, strong arms wrapped around my skinny waist. I smiled, leaning back onto him as we treaded water. Suddenly, I had a plan, dunk Joey. I smiled, turning around, so that we were now face to face.

“Joey, I need to tell you a secret,” I whispered, “Lean down.” He did as he was told, and I pushed his head under, laughing hysterically the moment he resurfaced.

“Emma Foy that was a big mistake,” He threatened, a coy, devious grinned speed across his lips.

“Oh no!” I laughed, swimming under the water, toward where I thought was safety. Which was the exact opposite. Joey plunged into the clear water after me, grabbing my feet softly. I kicked away, holding in the laugh I knew would disturb my getting away. Then, I realized something, he was no longer behind me. I began to worry, I looked from left to right, no Joey. I looked straight ahead, to a mouth full of teeth.

Why hello Joey, i though, laughing in my head. He was still smiling, as he cupped my cheeks in his hands, and pulled my in. I looked to my left for a split second, and saw that the two boobies bracelets he had been wearing on his wrist had disappeared, and four, deep cut marks were etched into his wrist. My jaw dropped, sending water down my throat. I tried to cough the water, up, to no use, seeing that I was in water.

I started to panic, swimming toward the top with all of my might, and just before I passed out, I reached the shore. I let out, huge coughs, sending out balls of water. As I took in deep, heavy breaths, I noticed Joey, staying a good three feet from me as he waded in the water. “Let me see your wrist,” I demanded, swimming toward him.

“Okay,” He said, holding up his wrist, that was covered in even more ridiculous bracelets. I pulled them up swiftly, to fast for him to pull away. What I saw shocked me, five cuts were etched into that wrist.

“Joey! Why are you cutting yourself?” I shouted, my voice cracking with fear of his answer
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