Friends For Life

Friends For Life: Chapter 1

Riley's P.O.V:

I was at home sitting on my bed when I heard my father yell at me. "Riley, what did I tell you about being late for school?! Get down here now!"

Crap just what I needed....another beating. I still hadn't recovered fully from the bruises and cuts I got the last time I had done something. As I went down the stairs I braced myself. And here it came, a slap to the face.

"I told you that you were not to be late for school anymore, they are starting to ask questions!" yelled my father. And me being disoriented from the slap was stupid enough to reply back. "It was because of you! You're the one who beats me for letting my alarm go off!"

That earned me a punch which sent me to my knees, then a kick to my ribs. I could already taste blood.

"Don't let that happen again or else..." he grinned sickly. "Yes sir," I replied quickly as he walked off.

I could barely walk let alone get up the stairs to my sanctuary aka my room. The sad thing was, was that he was sober and not even the least bit drunk at least not yet. I needed to go somewhere anywhere but here. I know I'll go to Jake's he'll know what to do. I mean he's never seen me beaten, but he'll know what to do. He'll help me. I needed to get there fast because I was already getting dizzy. I was glad that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt rather than having to worry about finding my sweater.

I shakily stood up but right when I did a sharp pain exploded in my side and I crumpled to the floor. Damn, I don't know if I could make it there. But I had to.

Thank-God it was only two houses away. I was in so much pain and I was so dizzy that by time I got there I couldn't even stand. So, I ended up crawling to get to the door bell. I finally rang it.

I heard footstep coming down the stairs and a gasp when Jake opened the door and saw me lying there. And that is all I remember because at that point I blacked out...
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Here you go it's hopefully revised...-Ines =]