Berkeley Black Shadow

The Beginning

<p>When did all of this go wrong? Why couldn't I have just got on a different plane instead? Why did the highjacker have to pick this plane? Why am I about to take a bullet for Green Day? The gunsmen pointed the gun my head and pulled the trigger.</p>
<p>I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Today I was going to leave and live in Berkeley, California. I was leaving with my best friend, Kailey, out of Missouri. I turned over in my bed and look at the alarm clock. 7:00 am. I moaned and started to look at my ceiling with all the Green Day posters.<br /> I could hear my mom walk up and down the hall. As my mind went off the posters, I heard my mom pound on the door for me to get up.<br /> "Cindy, get your ass up! You still have to pick up Kailey and get on the plane!"<br /> "Yeah! Hold on." I said getting up. I went over to my closet and grabbed a black Green Day shirt and black jeans. I slipped it on while trying to find my converse.<br /> "Ahhh...there you are." I slipped them on and turned on my stero to Green Day. I headed over to my bathroom to put on some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my black bag and started to throw some clothes in. I picked up my journal and gently layed it down in.<br /> "I can't forget this." I grabbed all my Green Day and Hawthorne Heights CDs and put them in my bag. I went over to my walls and toke down some of my Billie Joe posters and my Green Day posters and put them in my bag. I picked up the bag and grabbed my guitar case and walked out the door. I walked down stairs to get some breakfast.<br /> "Hey mom...I think I might need some more money."<br /> "Ok Honey remind me to give it to you." I sat down at the kichen table with a bowl of Fruit Loops in front of me. I looked at the clock.<br /> "Shit....I gotta get going. The plane leaves at 11:00 and I got to get Kailey together and I gotta put gas to the mustang. I have so much to do...." I said as I put my head in my hands.<br /> "You better get your ass up and moving then." I looked over and gave her a dirty look. I looked back down and filled my mouth with Fruit Loops.<br /> "Fine." I said while spitting some out.<br /> "Bye..Mom. Love you." I said as I grabbed my stuff and my keys and ran out the door.<br /> I ran out side and stopped to smell the fresh air. I walked to my car and put everything in the trunk. I started up the car and paused, listening to my hard earned car run. I started off and went down the streets of St. Louis.<br /> Finally, I pulled into Kailey's driveway.<br /> "I hope she has all of her shit together." I said while getting out of the car. I walked up the driveway, and knocked on her door. Pausing for a few seconds....she opened the door.<br /> Before she said anything I said "Do you have all of your shit together?" She handed me three bags to carried.<br /> "Kailey were only going to be gone for a couple of months. Not a whole year."<br /> "Well I have to be prepared." Starting to laugh, I walked down to my car and put the bags in. Kailey came back out of the house with three more bags.<br /> "I swear."<br /> "What? I told you I need to be prepared!"<br /> "Ok...Whatever thats called." We threw the rest of the bags in the car.<br /> "Ok.....Check list! 1. Cell Phones...."<br /> "Whatever...whatever...lets just go." I started up the car and we was off to the St. Louis Airport.<br /> "Hey Kailey....reach to the back of my car and get my CD holder." Kailey reached back and got. I grabbed the American Idiot CD. We popped in the CD and started screaming "Im the son or rage and love.....The Jesus of Surburbia!".....</p>
<p>"Mike and Tre! Get your asses down here! We're going to be late for the plane!" said Billie Joe as he packed his bag.<br /> The gang was going back home to Berkeley. They just gone done with a concert and they was leaving. Tre started to walk down the stairs with all of his bags.<br /> "Ok BJ dont have a egg."<br /> "What?" Mike and Billie said together.<br /> "Tre.....It's dont have a cow." said Mike packing his stuff in the car.<br /> "Ok whatever. Mr know-it-all. Lets get in the limo." They all started to get in the limo when Tre said "I hope we meet some hot girls."<br /> "Yeah...I hope there isnt any teenies on the plane. Im so fucking sick of them." said Billie looking out the window.</p>