Berkeley Black Shadow

Relationship Problems

The next few months everyone seemed to fight about anything. Billie Joe was staying at Mike's house because him and Kailey were fighting.
"FINE!" Tre said slamming the door to his house and getting in the car. Cindy and Tre just got done with a fight. Tre was heading to the bar just like the end of every other fight.
"Just what-fucking-ever." Cindy growled off walking to the kitchen. Cindy didn't know why her and Tre started to fight. It always ended up with Tre coming home at 1 am in the morning, drunk. She hated her and Tre to fight. Cindy sat on the couch and turned on Fuse. She began to feel tired and went into a sleep. Meanwhile Tre just showed up to the pub. He walked into the door and saw Billie and Mike drinking beers. Tre walked up to Billie and Mike and sat down.
"Cindy?" Billie said drunkly.
"Yeah, another fight." Tre sighed and ordered a beer. After a few hours Billie and Mike had left leaving Tre very drunk. Tre ordered another beer and had it down in no time. Tre had atleast 13 beers in his system. He had his head down in this arms on the counter. The pub was starting to grow empty. Cindy was just starting to wake up from her sleep. She looked to see what time it was. 2:00am. 'Tre is never this late.' Cindy thought to herself getting worried. Cindy grabbed the phone and dailed Kailey's number. Cindy was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Hello?" said a very tired Kailey.
"Kailey is Tre over there, or have you seen him?"
"No Cindy. It's fucking 2am. Im going to bed. Night." Kailey hung up. Cindy didn't get a word in.
"Well..." Cindy said aloud to herself. Her voice ecohed out threw the house. Cindy dialed Mike's phone number.
"Hello?" Mike on the other line answered.
"Hey Mike. Have you seen Tre? Me and him had another fight." Mike toke a deep breath and answered.
"Yeah, he is at the bar, Cindy."
"Ok, thanks Mike." Cindy hung up the phone and grabbed her jacket. She couldn't take the car because Tre had it. It was a chilly night and almost pitch black. After 40 minutes of walking Cindy made it to the bar. She walked in a found Tre with his head laying on the counter. Cindy went up to him.
"Come on, Tre. Let's go." Tre pushed Cindy.
"Piss off." Tre slurred. Tre's push was so pathetic it made Cindy laugh. Cindy pulled his arm around her neck and got him out of the bar.
"Tre, Where's the car keys?" Cindy said searching his pockets.
"You mean these." Tre said holding up his hand with the keys.
"Give them." Cindy said holding out her hand.
"Gooo get them." Tre said as he threw the keys out into the darkness.
"You dumbass!" Cindy said screaming. Tre was leaning against the building of the bar about to pass out. Cindy grabbed Tre's arm and slung it around her neck. Only the street lights lite up the sidewalk. Tre seemed to be getting heavier the more Cindy walked. Cindy found the nearest building and layed Tre against it. Her neck was throbbing with pain. She looked down at Tre and couldn't help but smile. By now he had fully passed out. They was about 20 minutes away from Tre's house. Cindy got up and grabbed Tre's arm once again and putted it around her neck. When they finally got to the house the door was locked. Cindy layed Tre up against the door and looked for the house key. Cindy found the house key and opened the door making Tre fall in. CIndy flicked on the house lights a dragged Tre's upstairs to the bed room. Cindy layed Tre on the bed and covered him up. Cindy was so tired she didn't even bother to change, she got in bed and layed beside Tre. Cindy fell asleep instantly.
Tre opened his eyes to the blinding sun coming threw the window. Tre quickly covered his eyes with his hand. He looked over and saw Cindy sound asleep beside him. His head was killing him.Tre looked over to the bedside table and saw a bottle of water and asprin. Tre went to grab it but he fell out of bed. All the movement woke Cindy up from her sleep. She looked over to the edge of the bed and saw Tre with the blanket over his head.
"Rough night, hun?" Cindy said sarcasticly.
"Oh, Shut up." Tre said taking the medicine and getting back up on the bed. Cindy got up and started to walk out of the bedroom.
"Im going to fix breakfast." Cindy went down stairs and started to fix pancakes. Tre went back to bed and woke up a couple hours later. His head felt much better. He got up and went downstairs smelling the sweet smell of pancakes.Tre went to the kitchen and saw Cindy at the stove. He walked up to her and putted his arms around her waist and started to kiss her neck.
"Hey, Dinner's ready." Cindy said shuting off the stove. Tre sat down at the table and waited for the pancakes.Cindy gave Tre some pancakes and they started to eat.
"We need to get Billie and Kailey to start talking again." Tre said after swallowing a bite of pancakes.
"Yeah, but how?" Cindy said finishing her pancakes.
"You take Kailey and I will take Billie Joe and we will meet at starbucks."
"Ok, but we got one problem. You threw the keys somewhere near the bar you were at and there gone." Tre smirked.
"I got a extra pair." Cindy and Tre walked to their car and got in.
"I will drop you by Kailey's house and you can walk to starbucks becuase it's not a long way. I'll call you on my cell when we are leaving. Don't tell Kailey we're meeting together." Tre said as the car went off toward Kailey's house. The car ride was silent until Tre pulled up to Kailey's house. Cindy kissed Tre and got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk hearing Tre pull off in the car. Cindy looked around and saw no car.
"Billie must be at Mike's house." Cindy mumbled to herself. The grass was getting tall in the yard. It looked like it hadn't been mowed in a week. Cindy walked up the porch steps and knocked on the door.
"Hold on!!" Kailey yelled from inside. Cindy hadn't seen Kailey in a month. The door opened to the house. Kailey was in the doorway with a crying baby in her arms. She looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
"Hey." Cindy said with a weak smile on her face.
"Hey." Kailey said.
"Here. Let me help." Cindy walked in a grabbed Adeline and tryed to calm her. Kailey went and layed down on the couch. Cindy got Adeline alseep and layed her in her crib. Cindy went and sat on the coffee table infront of the couch Kailey was laying on.
"Kailey pull yourself together." Cindy said looking Kailey in the eyes.
"Well, I havn't seen Billie in 2 weeks and taking care of Adeline and keeping the house together." Kailey said sitting up. They sat there in silence till CIndy's cell phone went off.
"Hold on." Cindy said getting up and going to the bathroom and locking the door. Cindy answered her cell phone.
"Hey, It's Tre. Bring Kailey to Starbucks. Billie Joe and I are already there. Billie's kinda cranky so watch out." Tre said in a laugh.
"Yeah. So is Kailey. Bye." Cindy walked out of the bathroom and walked back into the living room.
"Well, Let's go to Starbucks and get a cup of coffee. Coffee makes everything better. We can talk about things." Kailey toke a deep breath.
"Ok, I guess. But what are we going to do with Adeline?" Kailey said getting off the couch and getting herself ready.
"Do you have a babysitter?" Cindy said still setting on the coffee table.
"Yeah, but she's kinda different. Im afraid she's going to brain wash Adeline." Kailey said laughing alittle bit.
"Oh well. Just call her." Kailey called the babysitter and she came over. She was dressed in pink from head to toe. Everything she wore matched. She looked like a crayon.
"Where's my darling Adeline!?!" She said coming threw the door.
"Ok well, were going to be gone for awhile. You know what to do." Kailey said grabbing Cindy and going out the door down the street.
"Im blind." Cindy said plainly.
"Why?" Kailey said laughing.
"Because of seeing so much pink." They was walking down the road in silence till Cindy broke it.
"So...How is you and Billie Joe?" Cindy asked. Kailey toke a deep breath.
"Don't ask."