Berkeley Black Shadow

This Pain is Just to Real

Kailey and Cindy got the boys home and went to sleep. Kailey and Billie got back together and everything seemed to go back to normal. Adeline got bigger. Green Day went back on tour for a few months and came back.Cindy and Tre had got married and went on there honeymoon and came back. They went to Hawii. Tre and Cindy were on the couch watching TV. Cindy toke a deep breath. "Tre, I have something to tell you." Tre got worried but stayed quiet to hear what Cindy had to say. "Im pregnant." Tre stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Thats great!" Tre said jumping up and grabbing Cindy in a hug. He started jumping around and dancing.
"Im going to be a daddy, Im going to be a daddy." Suddenly the phone rang. Tre answered it. After a few minutes he hung up the phone.
"Hey Cindy, Were going to a party at Billie house tonight. It's in about a hour." Cindy jumped up and got some clothes on. Tre just stayed in the clothes he was in. Cindy got a black top on and jeans with converse.
"Ready." Cindy said coming down the stairs.
"You look great." Tre said as he got up and brought Cindy in for a passionate kiss.
"Let's good." Tre said as he picked up CIndy and threw her over his shoulder.
"Tre, Let me down!" Cindy said pouding her fist on his back. Tre opened the door and walked outside in the Berkeley sunset.
"Not yet." Tre said with a evil grin on his face. Tre laied Cindy on the ground and started to tickle her.
"No....Tre....don't." Cindy said rolling around laughing. After a few minutes Tre helped her up and they got into the SUV. Billie's house was only about 10 minutes away from Tre's house. The SUV arivved in Billie's diveway. There was cars surrounding the house and various people standing around outside. Once Cindy and Tre stepped outside the car you could hear the music blearing. Tre putted his arm around Cindy and walked up to the door and went in. There was people all around getting drunk or high. Billie was setting on the couch with Mike and had a beer in his hand. Kailey came up and grabbed Cindy. A babysitter was upstairs with Adeline. Tre got a beer and started talking to Billie. Kailey brought Cindy out to a bunch of girls outside setting around talking.
"Everyone, This is Cindy." Kailey said steping aside.
"Hey." Cindy said with a wave. Everyone gave a alittle wave.
"You want a joint or something?" Kailey asked.
"Yeah, how about a beer." Cindy said with a smile. Everyone started drinking. Cindy only drank two or three beers. Tre drank about four beers. Cindy went inside and looked for Tre. He was standing to the kitchen talking to Billie and Mike. Cindy walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss. Tre's eyebrows raised as he led Cindy upstairs. There wasn't anyone upstairs besides someone coming out of the bathroom. Once Cindy and Tre got to the top of the stairs they made out walking to the bedroom. The got to the door of the bedroom and opened it. Tre picked up Cindy and carried her to the bed with both of them falling on it. Tre started to take off her shirt as Cindy did the same to him. Tre contiued and unbuckled Cindy pants. Tre toke of his pants. Meanwhile Mike, Billie, and Kailey were sitting on the couch.
"Where's Cindy and Tre?" Kailey questioned. Billie and Mike looked at each other with a grin.
"There having sex upstairs in the bedroom." Kailey scrunched up her face.
"I hope it's not in our bed." Everyone busted out laughing. Cindy and Tre got out of bed and got there clothes on."That was some of the best sex I have ever had." Tre said with the biggest smile on his face. Cindy and Tre walked down the stairs to the living room and sat on the couch with everyone. As soon as Mike and Billie saw them they busted out laughing thinking of what Kailey said.
"Was it good Cindy?" Kailey said laughing. Cindy just gave her a look and rolled her eyes.
"Well, I better get going. It's really late." Mike said as he begin to walk out the door. Kailey was past out from the beer.
"Later Mike." Billie said.
"We better get going to Billie." Tre said lifting Cindy to her feet.
"Bye Billie." Cindy said with a wave walking out the door. Tre went to the car and opened the passenger seat door.
"Your cheriot awaits." He said with a smile on his face. Cindy went up to Tre and kissed him on the lips. Cindy got in and Tre went around and got in. He started up the car and they went down the road. The music was blaring in the car. CIndy and Tre were talking about anything. When the stop came up they had to make they missed it.
"Tre, we missed our stop." Cindy said laughing alittle bit.
"It's ok. We can take the long way." Tre said reaching over and kissing Cindy on the lips.
"Watch the road, lover boy." Suddenly a car swerved into the other lane at 60 miles an hour.
"Tre!" Cindy screamed. Tre knew there was nothing he could do. Tre reached over a protected what he loved most. He threw his arm infront of her. The two cars met in a head on culsion at 60 miles an hour. Cindy was jolted forward threw the windshield. There was the sound of crashing metal. The side windows in the car shattered, sending glass threw out the air. Cindy landed on the ground about 7 feet away from the car on the pavement. She was cut up and had some broken bones. A puddle of blood was gathering around Cindy's body. Suddenly there was no sound to be heard. Tre was still in the car. Cindy blacked out on the cold pavement.
A phone ringing was heard thew out the armstrong house. Kailey and Billie was in bed fast alseep. Billie woke up and started to curse.
"Stupid fucking phone. Who in the fuck would call 4 am in the morning?" Kailey got up to get a crying Adeline.
Billie reached the phone and picked it up.
"Hello?" Billie said angry.
"Is this Billie Joe Armstrong?" the vocie asked.
"Yes." Billie answered getting a bit worried.
"Im calling from West Berkeley Hospital and we have a patient here by the name of Cindy Wright. Our hospital records say this is the emergency number."
"Ok." Billie said still wondering.
"We have Mrs. Wright in intensive care. We need you down here immedetly." Billie dropped the phone and went to get Kailey. Kailey was in the baby's room feeding Adeline.
"Kailey!" Billie said with his heart pounding.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know. We need to get to the hospital right now." Kailey's mouth went open in shock. She got up with out changing and they ran down and got into the car. Billie jumped in the passenger seat and started the car. Kailey keep Adeline sitting on her lap. They arivved at the hospital and went in. Billie ran up to the desk.
"Where is Cindy Wright?" Billie asked.
"She's in surgery right now. You can wait in the waiting room." Billie and Kailey walked to the waiting room and sat down on a couch. Kailey calmed Adeline. Kailey was still trying to grasp the sitution. What really happened? Billie was wondering if Tre was ok and why he wasn't in the waiting room too. Night seemed to turn into day at Kailey and Billie wanted to see if Cindy was ok. Kailey was asleep on the couch with Adeline in her arms as Billie paced the floor worrying about Tre and Cindy. Suddeny the doctor came in the door. The man had some gray hair but he looked like he was young.
"Are you Billie Joe Armstrong?" The doctor said looking down at a clip board.
"Yes sir." Billie said getting worried. Kailey had woke up and was standing beside Billie.
"Mrs. Wright is still in intensive care. When she went threw the windshield she cracked her head open." By now Kailey had put her hand over her mouth.
"Mrs Wight is badly brusied all over her body. She has some broken ribs and a broken leg. Her leg had hit the dash board and shattered. Thats the reason for the surgery." Billie toke a deep breath and asked the question he was dying to know.
"Is the man that was in the car ok?" The doctor looked up and down the clip board.
"Do you mean a man by Frank Edward Wright III?" The doctor questioned.
"Yes." Billie said.
"Im sorry Mr. Armstrong but Frank Wight was dead at the scence of the crash. The paramedics say he died on impact." Billie was in complete shock. He sat down on the couch and began to break down.