Berkeley Black Shadow

The Brusies Faded but The Pain in Her Heart Didn't

What was he going to do without Tre? What was the band going to do? Kailey dailed Mike's number. Mike soon came and was trying to comfort Billie. Billie and Mike was crying. Kailey was pacing the floor with Adeline. She tried to stay calm for everyone. The doctor was still in the room.
"Is there anything else you know about what happen in the crash?" Kailey said not believeing what was happening.
"The parimedics said that Cindy was thrown 7 feet from the car. She went right threw the windsheild. There wasn't any skid marks."
Kailey was crying.
"Can I see her?" Kailey said.
"Yes, but I'll warn you that she dosn't look the best." Kailey walked out of the room and started to walk to Cindy's room. Kailey got to Cindy's room and stopped dead in her tracks. Cindy's head was wrapped up and her face and arms were covered in brusies. Her leg was lifted up in a cast. Kailey went over and sat by Cindy just studing her. Billie and Mike came in with there eyes watering and red. Everyone sat down and was in silence.
"Did you hear what the doctor said about the crash?" Kailey said starting to cry again.
"Yeah, It sounded like it was a head on culsion. It's amazing she is alive." Mike said pointing to Cindy.
"How are we going to tell her about Tre?" Billie said starting to tear up alittle bit.
"I don't know." After a few hours had pasted Billie, Mike, and Kailey went out to get something to eat. Cindy started to open her eyes. She squited her eyes from the light but she soon opened them. The wallls were an off white with various chairs around the room. Cindy looked over and saw the heart montior beeping. Pain was shooting threw out her body. She looked down at the IV that was in her arm. Cindy started to think back to what had happen. The last thing she remebered was Tre kissing her in the car. She started to wonder about Tre and if he was ok. Billie walked into the room and looked at Cindy. Kailey and Mike walked in to. Billie stood there like he was going to say something but he stopped.
"Where's Tre?" Cindy questioned. Kailey walked up and sat down beside Cindy.
"Cindy, Tre didn't make it. He died on impact." Kailey said trying to make it sound good a possible.
"What?" Cindy said in complete shock. A tear rolled down Cindy's brusied face.
"Cindy, Im so sorry." Kailey said starting to cry. There was a long silence. Nurses was walking up and down the hall.
"What happen?" Cindy said after calming down alittle bit. Kailey wiped some tears away a begin to speak.
"It was a head on culison. The jolt threw you through the window and 7 feet away from the car. Before you went threw the window you shattered your knee on the dash board...." As Kailey spoke more and more memory of the crash came back to Cindy. It was like a replay in Cindy's mind.
"A person arivved to the crash and called 911 on there cell phone. They stayed with you there until the parimedics came." There was a long silence. Billie and Mike were in the chairs quiet.
"What do you remember of the crash?" Billie asked trying to figure out exactly what happen. Cindy toke a deep breath and started.
"Tre and I were driving home from your party. We weren't drunk. Tre was the one driving. We had the music loud and we was talking. We missed our stop and he reached over and kissed me. I told him to keep his eyes on the road or something." Cindy was starting to cry. The thought of Tre maybe her cry.
"The next thing I knew I saw the lights of the car. Tre had threw his arm infront of me. I heard this ear cracking sound of metal coliding. I didn't even feel that I had hit my knee. The next thing I knew I was laying on the pavement. My body went numb and I passed out." Everyone was in tears at the end of the story. The doctor came in and said she would be leaving in about a week. Kailey, Billie, and Mike went home for the night. Cindy started to think to herself. 'I couldn't go back to the house. It would rip me up.' Cindy was spinning her wedding ring around her finger. Cindy was wondering how she was going to be a single mother. The thought of it made her feel ten times worse. The nurse came in and gave her some medicine and walked out. The clock on the was said 11:00 pm. Cindy started to cry thinking about Tre. How she missed him so much. If he didn't try to save her he could have still been alive. The crash was replaying in her mind over and over. Cindy began to feel tired. She cried herself into a deep sleep. The next few days seem to go the same. The brusies faded but the pain in her heart didn't. Cindy's head had healed but it still had the stiches in it. There was a bruise over her chest were Tre's arm was. Cindy woke up from a bad dream. The dream was the same every since the crash. Cindy looked around the room for Tre to see if he was really dead. It had been a week being in the hospital. Kailey came in with a wheel chair.
"Your leaving today." Kailey said plainly. She knew I had the dream because of the look on my face. The doctor came in and gave me a check up. He gave me cruches for my leg and I got dressed. I got in the wheel chair, while Kailey wheeled me too the entrance. The hospital had the white walls like Cindy's room. Various family's were in the hall seeing there loved ones. When they got to the entrance Billie and Mike were standing there waiting for her. Cindy got up on the crutchs and started to walk out.
"Hey Cindy, How are you feeling?" Billie said not know what to say.
"Shitty." Cindy said plainly with no emotion. Everyone got in the car and went off.
"Tre said he wanted to be cremated and have his ashes spread threw Gilman." Cindy said.
"Ok." Mike said missing Tre. The car remained quiet. No one knew what to say to Cindy.
"The visitaion is tomarrow, Cindy." Billie said pulling up into his driveway. Everyone got out of the car while Billie helped Cindy out. Billie just stared Cindy in the eyes. Billie noticed Cindy lost all the shine in her eyes. She seemed emotionless. They got to the house and everyone just sat there. Kailey dropped Adeline off at her mom's for awhile so she could help CIndy recover. The rest of the day seemed to go by slow. Night slowly came. Cindy had fell asleep on the couch. Mike had fallen asleep on the other couch. Billie and Kailey went to go to bed. Cindy cept tossing and turning. She knew the dream was coming back and she couldn't stop it.
"Tre, we missed our stop." Cindy said laughing alittle bit.
"It's ok. We can take the long way." Tre said reaching over and kissing Cindy on the lips.
"Watch the road, lover boy." Suddenly a car swerved into the other lane at 60 miles an hour.
"Tre!" Cindy screamed. Tre knew there was nothing he could do. Tre reached over a protected what he loved most. He threw his arm infront of her. The two cars met in a head on culsion at 60 miles an hour. Cindy was jolted forward threw the windshield. There was the sound of crashing metal. The side windows in the car shattered, sending glass threw out the air. CIndy landed on the ground about 7 feet away from the car on the pavement. She was cut up and had some broken bones. A puddle of blood was gathering around Cindy's body. Suddenly there was no sound to be heard. Tre was still in the car. Cindy blacked out on the cold pavement.
Cindy woke up from a cold sweat. She jolted up and looked around. She was crying and whimpering. Mike woke up and walked over to Cindy and held her.
"It's ok. I know." Mike said rocking Cindy back and forth. Mike already knew what the dream was about. Cindy was crying her eyes out.
"It's ok. Let it all out. I miss him too." Mike said tearing up. Mike tried to stay strong for Cindy. The room was pitch black.
"Mike, I have something to tell you." Cindy said looking at him.
"Im pregnant." Cindy said as she cried harder. Mike was in shock. He finally realised she is going to be a single mother. The baby wouldn't met the great Tre Cool. There wouldn't be a father figure. The baby would never met his/her father, Frank Edward Wright III. Mike held Cindy closer.
The only sound in the room was Cindy crying.