Berkeley Black Shadow

The Highjackers

<p>The song to whatsername ended as I pulled up to the St. Louis Airport. I never really did like riding in planes. I was always thinking SOMETHING might happen. Me and Kailey was the kinda girls that just live for the moment.<br /> We got out of the car and grabbed our stuff. We started to walk to the entrace. Just then some guy walked into me knocking everything out of my hands.<br /> "Oh sorry... Im such a ass. I wasnt looking were I was going."<br /> "No its fine I wasnt either." I looked up while gathering my stuff and saw a guy dressed in punk with hat and sun glasses. As I was trying to look into his eyes, Kailey grabbed me.<br /> "Cindy the plane leaves in 10 fucking minutes!" I started to run with her.<br /> "Hey....Whats your name!?" The guy seemed to shout out.<br /> "Cindy....What about you?"<br /> "Im Billie Joe A....." His voice fadded out as we got to the door to get on the plane. His voice ringed in my ears. We walked on the plane.<br /> "I CALL WINDOW!" said Kailey.<br /> "Fine whatever. I just get to see the hot guys walk by." I got up and start to get settled and put all my stuff away.<br /> "Let's set back here!!" said Tre in a kidish voice.<br /> "Maybe I can spot that girl that I saw." said Billie while getting settled in.<br /> "Yeah right Billie." said Mike.<br /> I got out my CD player and listened to the songs of Green Day as I slowly feel asleep. Kailey was doing the same thing.</p>
<p> I woke up and looked around. All the seats were empty expect me and Kaileys. There was Green Day in the back. Kailey and I started to freak out. We started to get up but someone pushed us back down. We looked up to see a guy dressed all in black with a mask. He held out a gun.<br /> "We are the Berkely Black Shadows and we are highjacking the plane."<br /> "Leave them alone." Billie Joe said from the back.<br /> "I'll do whatever the hell I want." said the guy in black as he walked to Billie Joe and the guys.<br /> "We're going to die." said Kailey.<br /> "No, we are not....We just need a plan." The guy in black took the gun and held it to Billie's head.<br /> You could see the fear in Billie's eyes. I grabbed Kailey and we got in front of the gun that was pointing to Billie.<br /> "Get the hell out of the way or I will shoot you both."<br /> "You have to get through us to get to them." Just then another guy in black walked out of the cock pit with a knife. The guy in black held the gun up to my head and pulled the trigger.<br /> "Click." Me and Kailey let out a sigh of relief. The guy threw down the gun and grabbed me. He motioned for the other guy to grabbed Kailey.<br /> The guy punched us out and left us knocked out in our seats. Billie Joe went to get up but sat back down.<br /> Billie, Mike, and Tre got up and started to fight with the guys in black. Finally the managed to knock out all the guys.<br /> "Bill what are we going to do? We need to take care of those girls and land the plane." said Mike looking around the plane.<br /> "Yeah there to hot for us to leave them behind." said Tre in a kidish voice. Billie Joe put his head in his hands to think. He raised his head up.<br /> "Tre, Do you know how to fly a plane?"<br /> "What the hell are you talking about Billie? If I fly this plane we will crash and burn!"<br /> "Just fucking do it. Mike and I will help the girls. You just go to the cock pit. On three...."<br /> "But I have to pee" said Tre doing the pee dance.<br /> "Im getting excited."<br /> "Suck it up Tre, we have no time to lose." said Mike.<br /> "One........two.....THREE!" They all ran in different directions.<br /> Tre ran to the cock pit and started to fly the plane and Billie and Mike helped the girls.<br /> "Bill how do we wake them up, if we don't even know there fucking names?" Billie looked at them for a little while.<br /> "Mike this one is Cindy. I ran into her. We will just call the other one whatsername."<br /> Billie started to shake Kailey a little. Mike jumped up and got to wet washrags to put on there foreheads.<br /> Billie took the washrag and dabbed it across Kailey's face. He stopped and just looked at her. He took his hand over the brusie and cut on her face. He looked over to Cindy and she looked the same. He snapped out of the gaze when he heard Tre cry out.<br /> "Guys were are we going to land this big mother fucker? Im starting to run out of gas." Billie and Mike shot up and ran to the cock pit and started looking out of the window for a place to land.<br /> "Right there!" said Mike pointing to a strip of grass. Tre started to say over the intercome.<br /> "Buckle up. We might hit some turbulance. I have always wanted to do that!" Billie and Mike ran back to the seats and buckled up.<br /> "We're going to die." said Billie in a laughing voice.<br /> The plane started to shake.<br /> Mike started to scream like a girl.<br /> The lights started to flicker.<br /> Just then everything went dark. Complete silence.</p>