Berkeley Black Shadow


Kailey was in the waiting room pacing the floor. Just then Billie Joe and Nathaniel walked in holding Taco Bell bags.
"Where's Cindy?" asked Nathaniel, looking around. Billie toke one look at Kailey and drew her in a hug.
"What's wrong?" Nathaniel started to get worried.
"Well it started of when Tre passed out. She lost it and took off with your BMW. I have no idea where she is. I tried to call her..."
"It's ok. It's ok. She will come back." Nathaniel was shocked.
"Where do you think she's at, Billie?"
"I don't know, but don't worry she will clear her head and come back." Nathaniel got out his cell phone and dialed her number. There was no answer. Nathaniel sat down on the waiting room couch worrying. Billie sat down on the other couch with Kailey's head in his lap. Kailey slowy fell asleep.

I watched the caller ID pop up with Nathaniel's name. I was half way done with my coffee. I tried to get the waitress's attention.
"Yes...Is this a 24 hour cafe? Do you have any alcohol?"
"Miss, yes and yes."
"Would you like anything?"
"Yeah....I...would like a couple of Martinis. Thanks." I sat there and just looked around trying to clear my head. 'I bet Nathaniel is losing it right now.' I thought to myself. 'I hope Tre is ok'. The waitress came over with my Martinis. I sat there and drank it all up. I just wanted all the pain to go away. I looked at my watch. It was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. What would have happened if Tre did have that car wreck? What would have happened if I didn't go off and I stayed there? I snapped back when my phone vibrated again. The caller ID said Nathaniel. Around 9 o'clock it was busy again. I had about 6 beers and 2 cups of coffee and 3 Martinis. I started to get lost in my thoughts again. What if I never came to Berkeley? What if I never got on that plane? What if I never met Nathaniel? I stopped at the thought. I got some money out of my pocket and put it on the table. I got up and stumbled out of the cafe and went to Billie's car. I started it up and went to the hospital. If I didn't meet Nathaniel.......I don't know where I would be. I pulled up to the hospital and got out of the car. I walked through the hospital halls once again. I walk by all the rooms with sick people in them. I opened the door to the waiting room and smiled. Nathaniel was on the couch awake. Kailey and Billie were cuddled up on the other couch sleeping. Nathaniel got up and gave me a hug. I could feel the pain he felt.
"What made you come back?" he asked as he was looking me in the eyes.
"You." He smiled and gave me a kiss. Just then the door came open to the waiting room. The doctor came in.
"Are you here for Mr. Wright?" Billie and Kailey woke up.
"Yeah were all here," said Kailey looking around.
"Well, I'm afraid that Frank is in a coma. He should wake up, but there is that possibility." I started to cry but I couldn't. I looked over at Kailey and she was crying.
"Can we see him?" said Billie, trying not to cry.
"No, it's not visiting hours."
"Fuck you. We're going to anyway." Billie walked to the waiting room door and pushed the doctor aside. We started to follow him. We walked through the halls and went in Tre's room. I heard the sound of the heart machine again. The sound just rang in your ears. Nathaniel sat down on the chair beside Tre's bed. I sat down on Nathaniel's lap and laid my head on his chest. Everyone was quiet. The only sound was the beeping of the heart machine. I looked over and saw Kailey yawn. Billie Joe broke the silence.
"I think were going to go home. It's getting late. You guys can come if you want."
"No, it's ok. I think we might stay here," said Nathaniel. Billie and Kailey started to walk out.
"Wait Billie," I said as I started to dig in my pocket.
"Here, you might want these." I threw him the keys to his BMW. He smiled and walked out with his arm around Kailey. They walked down the halls of the hospital and out the door. They got in the car and started up. There wasn't a word the whole way there. When they got to Billie's house, Billie went in a flopped on the couch. Kailey went in and flopped down on Billie. They started to laugh. Kailey's laugh was cut off by Billie's kiss. It was a passionate kiss. They laid there and kissed till they stopped. Kailey laid her head on Billie's chest and stared at the wall.
"Yeah," she said, tired.
"I love you." There was a pause. Kailey looked at Billie.
"I love you too," she said and kissed him. They slowly fell asleep.

I still laid on Nathaniel's chest in the dark in Tre's hospital room. I sat there and watched Tre breathe. I could hear the heartbeat to Nathaniel's heart. I stared at the wall. I looked on the clock that was on the table. 3 a.m. I couldn't sleep. The sound of the heart machine wouldn't stop ringing in my head. I looked up at Nathaniel and he was asleep. I laid my head back on his chest. I started to sing to myself.
"Drain the pressure from the swelling....This sensation's overwhelming....." I felt my eyelids get heavy. I couldn't stand it any more. I slowly fell asleep to the sound of Nathaniel's heart.