Berkeley Black Shadow

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I opened my eyes. I didnt know where I was at. I looked to see if anyone was beside me. I got up and looked around. I was in the tour bus. 'They found us. Im in Nathaniel's bedroom.' I thought to myself as I headed to the mirror on the wall.
"Damn...." I had alot of brusies. My head hurt like a bitch. My whole body hurt. I walked to the door and opened it. I heard voices in the living room. I looked at the clock. It was 8:00 am. 'How the hell did they find us?' I had just entered the living room and stop. Mike wasnt in there because he was still asleep. Billie and Kailey was laying on the couch watching Tv. Tre was fixing himself a Cheech. Nathaniel was watching TV with Kailey and Billie. I walked in to the kitchen. Tre saw me and smiled.
"Do you need a asprin? You look like hell."
"Yeah, I feel like it." Nathaniel turned around and shot up out of his seat.
"Cindy..." He ran up and hugged me.
"Oww...Not to hard." Tre haded me some asprin.
"Thanks. Were are we at?"
"In Kansas. It will probably be another night."
"Ok cool. Maybe next time when we go somewhere, we take a bodyguard." I said laughing alittle bit. I walked over the fridge and started to look in it.
"You don't have anything."
"Yeah, Mike got alittle hungry." Mike walked out of his room when Billie said Mike.
"You asshole Mike. There's other people on this bus beside you."
"We could stop at the local 7-11." said Billie stroking Kailey's hair.
"I...I dont know."
"Honey, It's ok. I'll stay by your side the whole time."
"O....ok" Tre told the drive to stop in front of the 7-11. The bus stopped and we got out. It looked just like the one in Colorado but it was daylight. everyone stepped out of the bus and walked threw the parking lot. I was clinging to Nathaniel's arm.
"It's ok....It's ok..."
"No lets turn around. Im not hungry." I said as I started to walk back.
"No, come one. You need to face it some time." He held my hand as we walked. Everyone made it to the 7-11 except Nathaniel and I. I was gripping onto his hand tight and looking around.
"Calm down. It's ok...." I started to shake. Nathaniel stopped and pulled me into a hug.
"It's ok....I won't let anyone take you." I stopped shaking. I felt safe in Nathaniel's arms. We got to the 7-11 and went in. Billie and Kailey was still looking around. Mike and Tre both had 24 packs of beer in there hands. I started to laugh at Tre.
"I guess were having a party."
"Hell yeah! We got alot of beer!!"said Tre paying for the beer. I looked around and grabbed a big bag of skittles. Nathaniel laughted and started to shake his head.
"What? I didnt get to grab any before I was being kidnapped." We walked to the counter and bought it.
"Let's get on the bus so we can start partying." We all went to the bus and started to drink. A couple hours later none of us could stand up because we were so drunk.
"You know whats a funny word?" Kailey said taking a swig from her beer.
"BOOBS!" yelled Tre trying to stand up.
"Poop!" said Billie getting another beer.
"Its dookie! I WIN!" We all started to laugh. A couple hours later Billie, Mike, Tre, and Nathaniel had passed out. Kailey and I was have contest to see who get drink the fastest.
"I win!" I screamed waking up Billie and Nathaniel.
"Lets get to bed Kailey." said Billie getting up grabbing Kailey.
"Come on Cindy." I got up and followed Nathaniel in the bedroom. I changed and got under the covers. I felt Nathaniel get on the bed and curl up beside me. I fell asleep instantly. Kailey changed into boxers and a t-shirt and went under the covers. A few minutes later Billie joined her. Billie started to kiss Kailey. It was a passionate one. One that could get serious. Billie started to take Kailey's shirt off....(I'm not going into details.)
The next morning I woke up to the bus hitting a bump. I looked around. Nathaniel wasn't beside me, but instead there was a note.

Were in St. Louis. Went to practice. Be back later.

I got up and got dressed. I couldn't wait for the concert. I looked at the clock. 10:00am. I went to the kitchen to make me some coffee. Kailey was already in the Kitchen at the table. I gave her a look.
"You know what." Her face started to get red.
"Come on. I know you did." I said pushing her a little.
"Ok. OK. We did. Happy?" Kailey said in frustration.
"Yes I am. What it good?" I said with a Tre smile on my face.
"Yes it was. End of conversation." she said walking off.
"You always ruin the fun." I said walking over to the couch and sitting down. Her face was still really red. I just started to laugh.
"Did you get a note?" Kailey said reaching in her pocket.
"Yeah they are out practicing."
"What are we going to do till they get back?" I said being really bored.
"I don't know. The concert starts at 6:00." For the rest of the day we didn't do anything. Around 4:00 we started to get ready. I just got done fixing my make up and hair and I heard someone come in. I went in the hall and heard a familiar voice. I ran down the hall and hugged Nathaniel.
"I missed you." I said looking into his eyes.
"I missed you too."
"Ok you to love birds. We got a concert to go to." Billie went to his room and found Kailey fixing her make up. He stood in the doorway looking at her. We went in and put his hands around her waist kissing her neck.
"How did you get so beautiful?" Kailey smiled.
"Come on we got a concert to crash." They walked out of the room holding hands. The time had come to go to the concert.
"You guys will have to go in like everyone else. Don't want you to attract attention." Billie said. Nathaniel walked up to me and handed me a backstage pass.
"I will see you after the concert." I smiled. He handed Kailey one to.
"Good luck guys!" We jumped off the bus and walked to the entrance. The doors werent open so we sat there and waited. Teenies were all over the place. There was 3 blonde teenies in front of Kailey and me talking.
"Billie Joe is so hot!! I wonder if he is good in bed?!!?" one of the blondes said.
"Actually...." Kailey said smiling to what she was about to say. I nudged her and gave her a look.
"What did you say??" the prissy blonde said.
"He is good in bed." said Kailey with a smile on her face.
"How do you know slut?" Kailey shot up and was inches away from the blonde. The other two was behind her.
"The shits going to hit the fan now." I mumbled to myself.
"Shut up Bitch." Kailey said inches away from the blonde.
"I can say whatever the hell I want slut. You know you never slept with Billie Joe. Face it you just a wannabe." You could she the anger come of Kailey. Kailey drew back her fist back and punched the blonde in the nose. The blonde fell back and held her nose.
"Don't you ever call me a slut you fucking bitch!" I got up and grabbed Kailey before she killed her.
"Come on. It's time to go in." We went in and got in the mosh pit, front row. We looked around to see who was around us.
"Oh my god! Is that Megan and Alex?" I said screaming over the talking to Kailey.
"Yeah it is!!!" We ran over and hugged them.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?"
"Well, me and Patrick are going out. You know Patrick from Fall Out Boy? I brought Alex with me."
"Oh that awesome!"
"What are you guys doing here?" asked Alex.
"Well long story short, I'm going out with Billie Joe and Cindy is with Nathaniel and they brought us."
"Oh that's awesome." Megan said waiting for Fall Out Boy to come out and open for Green Day. There was a long pause when all of the sudden Fall Out Boy came out. We all were screaming. They started playing and we rocked out. When they were over Green Day came out. Everyone screamed louder before. Everyone started to rock out to American Idiot.