Berkeley Black Shadow

The Big News

Time of your life just ended. It was the best concert. Kailey and I went to the door to go backstage. We showed them our passes. He let us threw and we walked down the hall. There was a ton of doors to go in.
"What door do we go in?" Kailey said looking at al the doors.
"Don't ask me." Billie, Mike, and Tre was in a room backstage setting on couchs.
"That concert rocked. Were is Nathaniel?"
"I dont know he said he had to go take care of something." said Tre hiting his drum sticks on the couch. Kailey and I was still walking down the hall trying to find out where we were going. I paused at one door. I heard talking on the other side. Kailey was right beside me. I opened the door and stood in shock. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. I saw Nathaniel on the couch making out with a girl. They didnt notice me looking at them. My eyes started to fill up with tears. I shut the door like nothing happened.
"Come on Kailey. There was nothing in there." The tears burned in my eyes. I walked down the hall. Tre came out of one of the doors. He had his drumsticks with him. He walked up to us and stopped.
"Hey Kailey, Hey Cin...dy. Whats wrong?" The tears started to fall.
"I s-saw N-N-athaniel with and g-girl." I broke down right there on the floor. Tre sat down besided me and held me.
"What the hell is going on?" Kailey ask Tre.
"Billie is on the 4th door to the right." Kailey walked to the door and went in. She ran and hugged Billie.
"You guys did a great job."
"Where's Cindy?" Mike asked drinking a beer.Tre was still in the hallway with Cindy. She couldn't help but cry. 'Why would Nathaniel cheat on her? Wasnt she good enough for him?' all the thoughts raced threw my head. People started to come down the hall.
"Cindy we need to get out of the hall. I dont want to get trampled." Tre put his arms under me and picked me up. I was balling my eyes out.
"Shhh....Its ok. It's ok." He opened the door to the room where everyone was.
"Whats wrong Cindy?" Billie Joe said concerned.
"She saw Nathaniel cheating on her." stated Tre.
"Fuck. Come on Mike. We need to have a chat with Nathaniel." Mike and Billie ran out of the room and walked down the hall. I was still crying. Tre sat down beside me and I layed my head on his chest.
"It's ok. He made a mistake." Mike and Billie got to the room Nathaniel was in. They braged in. Billie Joe ripped the girl off of him.
"What the hell is wrong with you!!??"
"Its my fucking buisiness. Don't worry Cindy won't catch me."
"Cindy saw you. Yeah. You didnt see that one coming. She's out there crying here fucking eyes out because your a jackass." There was a pause.
"Cindy saw me?" Thought of it ripped at him.
"Yeah. You fucked up." Mike said. There was a long pause. Nathaniel walked out of the room and headed down to where Cindy was. Billie and Mike follow him. Nathaniel got to the door and paused.
"You need to talk to her." said Billie. He opened the door and went in. He saw Cindy setting by Tre crying. Kailey was on the other couch watching. I was gripping onto Tre's arm. Kailey got up and looked at me.
"We'll leave you too alone. You have some issues to work out." Tre got up and walked out of the room and joined the guys. Kailey joined them.
"Cindy, Im sor.." I cutted him off.
"Shut the fuck up. I dont want to hear it. You know what you did." He looked down to the floor. He did want to lose her. He loved her.
"I don't want to lose you. I love you." Nathaniel said looking into Cindy's eyes. They were full of love and hate. I started to cry.
"Cindy, Don't cry." He got up and went to her. He put his hand on hers.
"Don't touch me." I got up and went out of the room.
"Cindy...come back..." His voice faded as I walked farther down the hall. I walked past Tre.
"Cindy...wait."said Tre running after me. I still had tears streaming down my face. I walk to the tour bus and got in. Tre got in and setted on the couch. I went to the figde and grabbed some beer bottles and sat down on the couch opening my first. Tre just shook his head and walked out of the bus. He walked back in the building where Billie, Kailey, Mike, and Nathaniel were talking.
"How's she doing?" Nathaniel said concerned.
"She's going to be drunk tonight." They all just shook there head.
"I wouldnt talk to her. She will probably bite your head off."
"What are we going to do now?" Kailey ask growing bored.
"We need to pack everything up and get going."
"Ok." everyone said in unsion. Everyone started to run around and get everything ready to go. They got everything packed in the bus. Kailey was the first one to enter the bus to see if Cindy was ok. She opened the door and walked in slowly. She was prepared for anything knowing Cindy. She slowly walked in.
"Cindy?" Cindy was watching the food network. There was 6 or 7 beer bottles on the table beside her. Kailey rolled her eyes and walked up to Cindy.
"Stop this."
"Fuck off." Cindy slurred.
"Fine." Kailey went outside to tell the guys.
"Well, Im her best friend and she told me to fuck off." They were shaking there heads.
"I'll go in first then you guys can come in behind me. Then we can go home." said Tre heading in the tour bus. Tre slowly entered. Cindy was still on the couch watching TV. Tre walked to the fridge and grabbed a few more beers. He handed them to Cindy.
"Thanks." slurred Cindy looking into Tre's eyes. Tre didn't see anger in her eyes. He saw sadness and hurting. She was trying to drink away her pain. Cindy popped open the beer and started on it.
"Why are you watching the food channel?" Tre asked.
"Cause I fucking feel like it." Everyone else was on the tour bus listening the the conversation. The bus was off heading toward Berkeley. Nathaniel felt horrible. It was his fault Cindy was piss ass drunk. Cindy stayed on the couch while everyone else was in the kitchen talking.
"We need to get her out of this." Billie said worrying.
"Its my fault. I can only fix it." Nathaniel said looking at Cindy.
"I wouldnt talk to her now. She's mean when she upset." said Kailey. They all went to the living room and started to watch TV.
"Cindy, I'm sorry." Nathaniel said looking at Cindy but she passed out. Tre went over to her.
"She's not dead. Where do you want me to put her?" Tre grabbed Cindy and had her in his arms.
"I could put her on my bed and I will sleep on the couch." Tre said walking back to his room. He opened the door and layed her on his bed and covered her up. He moved the hair out of her face. He walked out of the room and went to talk to everyone else.
"We will have to drop off you and Cindy at the house then we got to get going." Billie said stroking Kailey's hair.
"Im going to miss you really bad."
"Me too."
"I hope Cindy will be okay." said Nathaniel concerned.
"What the hell were you thinking?" asked Tre.
"I dont know. It was this fan and she was just all over me and I couldn't resisit. I drank alittle."
"Well anything you did, you fucked up." Mike said. Nathaniel didnt want to lose her.
"I'm going to bed. I'm really tired." said Kailey getting off the couch.
"Ok babe, I'll join you in alittle while." Kailey walked back to Billie's room and fell asleep.
"When are we going to get to the house?" asked Mike drinking a beer.
"3 days." Tre said simply. After a few hours of talking Mike, Nathaniel, and Billie went to sleep. Tre was sleeping on the couch.
Kailey woke up. It was 10:00. Kailey got dressed and put some make up. She was singing "Christie Road" to herself.
"Give me something to do to kill some time...." She was putting on her eye liner. She didnt want to go home. She wanted to stay here and just tour with Billie. She got done and moved to the kitchen for some coffee. She was still humming "Christie Road" to herself. She started to drink it.
"Ummm...thats coffee." Kailey paused and then smiled. She saw Tre with his arm around Cindy sleeping on the couch.
"Cindy has moved on." Kailey mumbled to herself. Nathaniel came and got him some coffee.
"Hey, look." Kailey said pointing to Tre and Cindy. Nathaniel's smile fadded when he saw them.
"I guess she has moved on." He said in a sad voice. Mike and Billie came in and got some coffee. Tre and Cindy were still sleeping.
"Hey baby." Billie said to Kailey kissing her cheek.
"Im going to wake up Tre." said Mike walking over.
"Wake up man." Tre woke up and looked around. Cindy had her head on his chest.
"What the hell?" He looked down and smiled.
"I'm hungry." Mike said rubbing his stomack.
"Lets stop at McDonalds and pick something and then we have to go." said Billie with his arm around Kailey.
"You guys go. Im going to stay here." said Tre.
"Ok." everyone said in usion. The bus stopped and Mike, Billie, Nathaniel, and Kailey got out. It was just Tre and Cindy. He was sitting there smiling.
"Wake up lazy ass." He said shaking Cindy alittle. Cindy opened my eyes and looked at Tre.
"Hey." she said in a tired voice.
"Hey. Everyone is at Mikey D's. I decided to say with you." Cindy smiled. Tre jumped up and pulled Cindy up in the process. Her head felt like it was going to explode.
"Woah..." Cindy stummbled a little but Tre caught her.
"I'm going to puke." Cindy ran to the bathroom.
"I'll get you some asprin." Tre said yelling from the other room. She got done and walked in the kitchen were Tre was. "Thanks."
"No problem." He said jumping up and down.
"Are you high or something?"
"Maybe." Cindy just laughed. Everyone came back in with food. They rest of the night went by fast. They next day we was going to get home.
"Guys, I'm going to bed. Umm..Where am I going to sleep?" Cindy thinking how weird it would be of her sleeping in Nathaniel's bed. "Hey just go to my room." Tre said drinking a beer.
"Ok." She said as she walked back to his room. Cindy opened the door and looked around. There was clothes everywhere. She changed into boxers and a tank and got in bed.
"I like Cindy." Tre blurted. "...Sorry Nathaniel."
"Yeah whatever. I'm over her. Im going to bed night guys."
"Yeah me too." said Kailey getting up.
"Goodnight baby. I'll be there in a bit." Mike and Billie got to bed and Tre started to stumble back to his room. He had drank alot. He open the door and stumbled in. I woke up to Tre stumbleing in the door.
"Fuck..." He muttered to himself. I finally felt him get in bed and curl up beside me.
We were all setting in the living room on the tour bus. Billie kissed Kailey on the cheek and sat by her.
"What have we got here?" Billie said looking at Tre and Cindy on the couch.
"Yes Billie boy. We are going out." Tre said kissing Cindy on the cheek. Nathaniel and Mike were in the kitchen getting some coffee. Billie looked out the window and sighned.
"We're home." Bille started to hold Kailey closer. Cindy smiled, it was nice being home but Cindy wanted to tour with Tre. The tour bus stopped and everyone got off. In the distance Kailey saw a bolt of lighting, minutes later the thunder followed. Cindy and Kailey went back inside the house they first knew the guys. Tre and Billie got out the luggage and brought it inside.
"I'm going out." Nathaniel said walking out of the house. Mike followed him.
"But be back in an hour because we got to get going." The house was siient. Only the thunder was heard from the outside. Billie, Kailey, Tre and Cindy sat in the living room staring at each other.
"This is going to suck." Cindy said breaking the silence. Everyone nodded. Tre jumped up and grabbed Cindy's hand.
"Come one lets give them some alone time and go upstairs." Tre said runnng upstairs. Tre and Cindy ran in the spare bedroom and sat on the couch.
"I'm going to miss you." Tre said putting his arm around Cindy. A tear ran down Cindy's cheek. Meanwhile Kailey and Billie was downstairs talking. Kailey and Billie were setting on the couch talking.
"Billie, How long do you think you will be gone?" Kailey said kissing Billie. Billie put his arms around her waist.
"We are touring now, 9 to 10 months." Billie replied. Kailey bit her lip and tried to hold back a tear but it fell. Billie wiped away the tear and grabbed something.
"Kailey, I made you this to listen to when you miss me the most." he said handing her a CD that said "I love you Kailey, BJ" Kailey was crushed. This was a goodbye. Kailey hugged him and started to cry. Kailey was crushed. Billie wiped away the tears.
"We need to get going, we need to be in Las Vegas by tomarrow." Billie said looking down.
"Just know I will always be here for you." Kailey said with tears steaming down her face.
"I love you." Billie said grabbing his bags yelling for Tre. Cindy and Tre came down the stairs with Cindy's eyes red and puffy. Cindy held Tre's hand never wanting him to leave her side. Tre and Billie packed up the tour bus and went back inside. Mike was out in the tour bus.
"Bye Cindy. I love you." Tre said heading out to the tour bus. Billie pulled Kailey close.
"You will always be my Missouri girl."
"I love you, Billie." Kailey said holding him tighter.
"I love you too." Billie said as he kissed her one last time and walked out the door. Kailey and CIndy watched as the tour bus drove off. They went in the living room and sat on the couch.
"So we have 9 to 10 months. What are we going to do?" Cindy asked Kailey.
"I need to get a job, guitar lessons suck." Kailey replied.
"I go back to school next week. I have classes at 10:00 then at 4:00." There was a long pause. Cindy got up and heading for the kitchen.
"Im going to fix something to eat. Do you want anything?"
"No, I dont feel very good."
"Ok." While Cindy was in the kitchen, Kailey started to fall asleep. Cindy fixed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat. She sat at the kitchen table eating it. All the sudden she heard running to the living room. She got up and checked it out. Cindy ran to the bathroom to see what was wrong. Kailey was throwing up.
"Kailey, you okay?" Cindy said worried.
"I don't know. Was it something I ate?"
"Kailey, you've only ate a donut, which was forever ago." Cindy replied. Cindy went into the bathroom and put her hand on Kailey's forehead.
"No fever." she said confused.
"Cindy what if..."
"No it can't be. Just let me think about it." Cindy said as she walked off to the living room. Kailey was still in the bathroom puking. Cindy sat on the couch in silence. Just then every thing came to Cindy all at once. Kailey was pregnant. 'Fuck. Kailey can't be pregnant. Billie can't be here for her. I can't tell Kailey shes pregnant. She won't be ready.' Cindy thought to herself. CIndy shot up off the couch and got her keys and jacket.
"Kailey, Im going out." Cindy said running out the door getting into her BMW. Cindy stopped in the pharmancy parking lot and went in. She bought a pregnancy test and ran back out getting into her car. The only thing on her mind was hoping Kailey wasnt pregnant. SHe got to the house still finding Kailey in the bathroom.
"Here." Cindy said handing Kailey the test.
"You can't be that fucking serious?" Kailey said half joking. Cindy just stared at her.
"Your... serious..." Kailey shut the door and took the test. She came back out and standed beside the door.
"I have to wait 5 minutes or something." she blurted out. The house was silent. Kailey went back in the bathroom and looked at the test. Positive. She was pregnant. She came back out of the batharoom and started talking.
"I'm pregnant."