Sequel: Betrayal


A Proper Date

The school was changing. Not just with Professor Umbridge being there - though that was the main reason - but with the story of the mass breakout at Azkaban.

Kids were becoming jumpy. Professor’s seemed to be in somber moods. Everyone spoke in whispers and many felt like this dark cloud that hung over Hogwarts would never go away.

Umbridge added new Educational Decrees, much to the annoyance of, well, everyone. Though Lee Jordan, of course, found a way to twist it around and direct it back at Professor Umbridge.

Amara made it through most days fine. She became withdrawn and hardly spoke to anyone if she could help it.

Draco noted this and made it his mission to annoy her to the point where she ended up slapping him a few times. Amara knew he was doing this for attention and that if she was going to be talking to anyone it was going to be him.

Amara continued to attend D.A. meetings, much to the annoyance of Gabby who made it her sole duty to glare at Amara throughout the lessons.

But Amara didn’t care. She didn’t care much about anything. She was consumed with her thoughts as she tried to piece together everything. She ignored letters from Jonathan, even when they became more agitated and even when he threatened to send a howler. She knew he wouldn’t, which is why she ignored them.

The breakout at Azkaban had brought Amara to the realization that perhaps You-Know-Who really was alive. She knew Potter had said that since the end of last year, but she hadn’t really believed him. But now, with everything going on she couldn’t help but think maybe it was true.

And if it was, then she had to rethink her plan entirely.

She knew Jonathan wouldn’t be pleased. She was supposed to be going after the Malfoy’s. But to her, You-Know-Who was just as guilty.

Did she really believe she could take on the Dark Lord?

Not particularly.

She knew she really didn’t stand a chance. She wasn’t strong with spells, potions, hexes, or anything really. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try.

“Valentines is coming up.”

Amara glanced up at Draco who stood before her, arms crossed and a bored expression on his face. He didn’t care that he was interrupting her from doing her schoolwork. He was determined to make sure that she paid him attention.

“Yes, I know.” Amara replied, glancing back down at her work and crossed out sentence. “Is there a reason why you‘re bothering me?”

Draco shot her an annoyed look but smirked none-the-less. “You’re spending Valentines with me.”

“Do I have a choice?” Amara asked, cocking her head to the side. She knew she should be playing nice. But she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

“You owe me.” Draco said, raising his brows. “Unless you want me to go with Parkinson?”

It was Amara’s turn to give him an annoyed look. The idea of spending time with Draco was starting to sound appealing. Besides, all her hard work would go to waste if she continued to ignore him.

“Fine. We’re going to Hogsmeade, right?” Amara asked, trying to give him a warm smile but it felt, and she was sure it looked, forced. “At least we can spend a day with you lavishing me.”

“Yes, we’re going to Hogsmeade.” Draco answered, that irritating smirk on his face growing slightly. “But you’ll be buying me nice things and spoiling me. I think I deserve it seeing as I’ve had to put up with you being mental for the last few weeks.”

“I didn’t even know nice was in your vocabulary.” Amara muttered. The idea of a fun day just turned sour. “I’m starting to wonder who wears the pants in this relationship because you’re acting like such a girl.”

“Well stop being such a man then.”

Amara threw a wadded piece of parchment at him, smacking him square in the head. It brought a genuine smile to her lips.

The cocky smirk on his face was replaced by a grin before he placed a kiss on Amara’s forehead. “That’s better. Though I have to admit, I sort of like the feisty side of you.”

Amara grinned and pulled Draco in for a proper kiss. She wasn’t sure what had gotten into him. Why in the world he was being so lovely at the moment. But she’d take it.

Who cared what Adrian had said a few weeks ago. His opinion really shouldn't matter because he didn’t matter. He was just silly boy that was in her house. What in the world gave him the right to say that Malfoy was dictating her life. This was what she wanted.

Well, what she needed in order for everything to work out the correct way.

“There will be no Parkinson right?” Amara asked, looking up at the blond boy innocently.

“Of course not,” Malfoy replied, the grin vanishing slightly. He seemed to be growing bored or annoyed. She knew he hated being asked too many questions.

“Or the other two?” Amara asked, standing up, trying to give Draco her best flirty look, but knew she probably looked demented. “Crabbe and Goyle, I mean. Do I get to have you all to myself?”

“Just us two,” he answered, though he looked rather unsure. Could he possibly make it through a day without his two goons, Amara wondered.

“Good,” Amara said, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling him closer. “Now we can finally have a proper date.”

Amara would make sure that it was a date he’d never forget.
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There's this one chapter coming up that I'm really excited about and I really want all of you to read it. And this story is coming to an end real quick here. I also might have to up the rating of this story.

Thank you to pelican park. for being awesome and leaving a comment. Even one comment makes me feel loved.