Sequel: Betrayal


Let the Games Begin

The sun was slowly setting, the sky turning from baby blue to a mix of pinks and purples. Amara let out a sigh, focusing her gaze on the empty seat across from her. With her lips drawn into a frown she let out huff of annoyance.

“There you are!”

Amara looked towards the compartment door, her frown slowly turning into a small smile. She watched as the curly haired girl stepped into the compartment without waiting for permission - or a greeting for that matter. “Hello, Fran.”

The girl gave Amara a large smile, her dimples clearly showing on her rosy cheeks. The little freckles splattered across her face barely noticeable. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, Jane.”

Amara raised a brow, a smirk tugging at her lips. “It’s a train, there’s not really a place for me to hide.”

Fran rolled her dark blue eyes and plopped down on the seat across from Amara. With her thin brows furrowed, the petite brunette stretched her short legs. “The girls and I have been waiting for you for what feels like a lifetime. We were starting to worry that you missed the train.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss this year for anything.” Amara said, a knowing smile on her face. She tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear.

It was Fran’s turn to raise a brow. But if she thought that something was strange about Amara’s answer, she didn’t say it. “What are you doing here all by yourself?”

“Thanking.” Amara replied. Fran sat forward, waiting for Amara to continue. However, when Amara did not explain Fran sat back in her seat with a small huff of annoyance.

Amara shifted, crossing her legs and leaned back against the seat. She watched as Fran began to fidget uncomfortably, picking at unwanted lint on her tights.

The silence in the room seemed to stretch, much to Fran’s discomfort. Amara watched on as the small girl began straightening her shirt and started tapping her foot impatiently. Her moth opened and closed several times, reminding Amara of a fish, but nothing came from Fran‘s mouth. The silence was absolutely killing the poor girl, much to Amara‘s own amusement.

Fran looked up, catching her friend watching her. She pursed her lips and looked Amara straight on, waiting for the taller girl to look bashfully away. But she didn‘t look away like most normal people would when they were caught staring. “Well, Jane Hart, you‘re a bore. Come on lets go find someone to entertain us.”

Amara shrugged and let out a tired yawn. Crossing her arms over her chest she gave Fran a defiant look. “I‘d rather not.”

“Come on,” Fran demanded, jumping out of her seat and pulled on Amara’s hand. “I promised I’d bring you back to our compartment. Where, might I add, you should have been this whole time. Did you even look for us?”


Fran gave her a friendly shove. “You’re such a tease, Jane.”

Amara grinned despite herself, amused that Fran was no naive when it came to, well, almost anything Amara said.

Fran giggled, as she helped grab Amara’s things. Or more importantly, grabbed all of the things and shoved them into Amara’s unwilling hands.

The short girl let her eyes roam the compartment one last time, before glancing out the window. “I dusk, it’s so beautiful.”

Amara let out a grunt of annoyance as a response before letting herself gaze out the window, just spotting Hogwarts before it vanished out of sight. It would still be a while until they got there, with the sun still setting.

“I feel like this year is going to be a very interesting one.” Fran whispered, her eyes wide and innocent as the pair caught a glimpse of the castle once more.

Amara couldn’t help but agree.

After collecting her belongings, Amara allowed herself to be dragged out of the compartment. The frown growing deeper with every step. The further down the corridor they walked, the louder it seemed to get. More kids popped in and out of their own compartments, their voices loud and, to Amara, obnoxious.

“Watch out!” Amara ducked in time as a wad of parchment flew by and smacked Fran from behind. Fran spun around, her green eyes narrowed as she grabbed the wadded up paper and threw it back, falling short of its target.

“Shove off,” Fran scolded the first year as he and his friend snickered. “Hardy har, har, little munchkins. Come talk to me when your voices start cracking, then we’ll see who’s laughing.”

The boys frowned, their little eyes glaring at Fran who couldn’t help but grin triumphantly.

“Ha!” Fran snickered before sliding the door open and stepping into the compartment, oblivious to the parchment that almost hit her head.

Amara raised her brows as the boys stood looking guilty back at her. “Next time, aim higher. She hates when anything touches her hair.” The boys gave her toothy grins. “Know your opponents, boys, it’s the only way you’ll survive.”

Amara winked, resting her hand on the door, hearing the squeals of giggles from inside as Fran ranted on about the two first years. The boys began to blush, the pink staining their pale faces.

“She’ll be on about this for days now.”

“Jane, get in here!” She could here Fran cry. “Gabby and Nicole don’t believe me!”

She could just picture the tall and beautiful Nicole shaking her head in disbelief while trying to hold in the laughter. While the chunky, curly haired Gabby straight up giggled-snorted at Fran’s story. It was hard to imagine Fran telling anyone up.

“Jane,” Fran whined. Amara could only imagine Fran stomping her foot and jutting out her bottom lip like a three year old.

“Stop giggling, Gabby!” Fran snapped. “It’s not funny. Jane!”

Amara rolled her brown eyes, about to step inside when something from the corner of her eye caught her attention.

“Get out!” a girl shouted angrily a few compartments away.

Amara’s curiosity only peeked as a tall, blond boy stepped out of the compartment with two much larger boys following behind. Amara watched with interest as the door was slammed shut in their faces. Malfoy and his two companions snickered gleefully, obviously proud of themselves.

It was when Draco turned to walk away that his gaze caught Amara’s.

She gave him a coy smile and a small wave of her fingers before stepping into the compartment, just barely catching the smirk on his face.

Let the games begin.

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I'm not exactly proud of this chapter, but it's good enough. Thank you to my 8 subscribers and to Temet Nosce for commenting on the first chapter and to pelican park. for a comment on the last one. Thank you so much!