Sequel: Betrayal


Going Nowhere

Amara climbed out of the cabinet, her heart racing as she quickly thought about her next step. With adrenalin pumping through her veins, Amara set off. She’d write a letter to Jonathan, telling him of Potters plans. Jonathan would be so pleased that perhaps he’d let her be for a while.

She flung herself out of the classroom, not bothering to be concerned about the strange looks she was receiving, or the fact that she may run into Fran. The only important thing at the moment was to get to a piece of parchment and a quill.

She weaved her way through the crowd, trying to make her way to the dungeons as quickly as she could. She didn’t want to miss her one opportunity at doing something right. She knew, deep down, that wherever Potter went, trouble followed right behind.

She gave a sigh of relief as she made it to stairs leading down to the dungeons. She was only a few steps and a skip away.


Amara froze in her spot, groaning inwardly. She debated ignoring Malfoy and continue heading to the common room, but as soon as she felt his hand wrap around her wrist, she knew it was too late.

She knew she had better get this over with.

“Can I help you?”

“Where have you been?” he seemed jittery, yet smug.

“Nowhere in particular,” was Amara’s reply, as she tried to wiggle her hand from his grasp. It didn’t work. “Look, Malfoy, I really need to do something, so if you wouldn’t mind…”

“Umbridge needs us.” Was his reply, raising a brow. He knew she was up to something. Or at least, she thought he knew that she was up to something. She never truly knew what blond haired boy was thinking.

“What, now?” Amara groaned loudly and tried to pull away again. She contemplated kicking him in the shin and making a break for it. She’d be safe in her dorm, that is, if she could outrun him.

“Yes, now.” He said slowly, as if she were slow in the head “Someone tricked the alarm in her office.”

Potter, it had to be.

“Look, I’d love to help, but I really have to do something-“

“Let’s go.” Was all he said before dragging Amara unwillingly along with him.

She knew she should have kicked him when she had the chance, because now all she was doing was mentally kicking herself. She didn’t have time for this.

Sure enough they came upon quite a scene near Umbridge’s office. There stood Warrington, holding the youngest Weasley as Longbottom tried to come to her rescue. Crabbe grabbed Longbottom, putting him into a headlock. A fellow sixth year came forward, taking hold of Ginny and handing off Ron, who seemed to be giving her a difficult time.

“Take care of them.” Malfoy ordered, shoving Amara forward. He gave Amara a pointed look, letting her know that he mainly meant her.

She watched as he brushed past the struggling group and walked into Umbridge’s office, not bothering to help.

Before Amara could make a break though, Warrington caught her eye and gave her a stern look. “Grab the loony one before she gets away.”

Amara hadn’t noticed the blond fourth year that was already halfway down the corridor. Amara sighed dramatically before taking off after the blond. She swore if this girl gave her problems she’d hex to next year.

Amara cast her wand forward and used the tripping jinx. The girl fell forward, with only a soft cry as she hit the ground. Amara stepped forward, yanking the fourth year off the ground and dragging her back towards the group.

Luck was on her side with this one, for the blond did not even put up a fight. Now if only life would go her way and let her leave so she could write to Jonathan.

“Come on,” Warrington grunted as soon as Amara and her captive joined them. He led the group into Umbridge’s office without a second thought.

The first thing Amara noticed when they entered the office was Granger pinned back by Millicent Bulstrode, the next thing was Malfoy leaning against the windowsill with a wand in his hand. Unfortunately, he caught Amara staring and smirked.

Amara quickly looked away, determined to look at anyone or anything but Draco. Her eyes landed on a clearly upset Potter, who seemed fed up with everything and everyone.

“Got ‘em all,” Warrington said, shoving Ron forward into the room. “That one,” she said, pointing at Longbottom, “tried to stop me from taking her,” he said pointing at Ginny. “So I brought him along too.”

Amara had to hide her laughter as she watched Ginny trying to kick the shins on the sixth year that held tightly onto her. The red-head was brave, that was for sure. Amara knew if she were in Ginny’s position she’d probably be too scared of the large Slytherin girl.

“Good, good,” Umbridge said, watching Ginny closely. “Well it looks as though Hogwarts will shortly be a Weasley-free zone, doesn’t it?”

Malfoy laughed loudly at this and Amara could only roll her eyes.

Soon they were talking and Amara began to zone out. Umbridge was trying to force Potter to tell her what he was doing. But he simply told a lie, a pathetic one by the sounds of it, and Amara wasn’t all that surprised.

Umbridge insulted, Malfoy and others laughed, and Potters group continued to struggle. All except for Amara’s captive. This was perhaps a good thing, because by now the blond would have gotten away.

Amara finally snapped back to the present when Malfoy walked past her and out the door. Her confusion didn’t go unnoticed as Warrington caught her eye and gave her a cold look.

A sigh escaped her lips. All she wanted was this whole thing to be over. Though seeing how things were going it didn’t look like Potter was going anywhere, which meant there was no reason for her to write Jonathan at this point.

There simply wouldn’t be anything to report.