Status: Done.

That Day


As Chloe lay in the dark alley she realized she was going to die. She began to think of all the things that went wrong. She remembered waking up late. She screamed at her boyfriend Nathan for not waking her up on time. She was so distraught at their fight, she didn't get anything done at work. Because of this, her and her boss, Charles got in a fight where she told him to " Go screw himself" needless to say, she lost her job. At the end of the day at around 4, she packed up her desk and left.
If only she had left 10 minutes later. She took a different route home for some reason. She went through the sketchy part of town to clear her mind. She remembered exactly the guy's voice. "Don't say anything" as he pressed the knife to her throat. She screamed. He dragged her into an alley. "I warned you" he hissed in her ear. He pushed her against a wall and raped her. All the time he had his and over her mouth, a muffled "Please, please don't. Stop please!" Tears were running down her face "I warned you" the man repeated. When he had finished, he turned her around and slapped her in the face twice. He pulled out the knife again and stabbed her 5 times. She collapsed. He looked down at her. "Stupid bitch" he spat at her. He left the knife and ran away from her. Chloe, too weak to move or scream lay there thinking of all the things that went wrong as she lay there slowly dying.