What Ever Happened to My Michelle?

My Michelle

Axl always wondered what happened Michelle, he had always figured that she finally got clean and left L.A. Then he would think of how crazy she was and how much she partied and he doubted it, he still secretly hoped that was it. He cared about Michelle, she was his first love if you want to call it that.

They never really jumped head first into a pool of red passion and swam in the safety of believing they would be together like most first loves. No it never went like that, it was more of an unspoken bond that they had. They loved each other but it was kind of like a rule that they didn’t even express it, although both had secretly written it down. Axl had written it on a piece of paper then ripped it up and pretended he never did it. Michelle wrote it in her journal after a night of snorting cocaine and drinking whiskey out of the bottle.

She had described the night as if it were an elegant ball, they very last sentence was written almost incoherently in case somebody ever read it. If you were willing to take a couple hours to translate it read “I think I’m in love with Axl.”

She never worried about her parents finding out about the way she acted because the truth is they didn’t care. Her dad did the most classless job you can imagine, and well her mother was gone. Had been since Michelle was 15, that’s when her life turned upside down. The only people she bothered with the way she lived were here best friends Emily and Tobi, but it still wasn’t enough for her to slow down.

Your daddy works in porno
Now that mommy's not around
She used to love her heroin
But now she's underground
So you stay out late at night
And you do your coke for free
Drivin' your friends crazy
With your life's insanity

He still remembered the last night they spent together, it was the most special night. He still remembered how it felt to feel her soft skin against his. As he had laid her onto the bed she had kissed his chest softly, her lips sent shivers down his spine. It wasn’t even the sex itself that he focuses on when he thinks of that night, it the way he felt just being with her. The way she moaned his name, the way he felt when she kissed him, things like that are the things he loved the most about the memory. He’s never felt like that since, it was hard to believe it was three years ago.

Well, well, well you just can't tell
Well, well, well my Michelle

The next morning they woke up in the hotel room and partied like crazy, it was fabulous. She had a few friends come up, she and Axl made out like crazy. When everyone left they had sex again, the drug dealer called up and brought them more coke. They snorted some of it then hung out.

“You got school don’t ya babe?” Axl asked, not really caring. She didn’t either, it meant nothing at all to her.

“Yeah but I don’t give a damn.”

He smiled and kisses her lips softly, memories from the night before flooding back into his mind. He thought the three words he would never dare to say, I love you.

Sowin' all your wild oats
In another's luxuries
Yesterday was Tuesday
Maybe Thursday you can sleep
But school starts much too early
And this hotel wasn't free
So party till your connection call
Honey I'll return the key

Three months later they were at a party and she was offered some coke and she refused it. She didn’t drink either, everyone was shocked at her behavior. Especially Axl, she hadn’t refused coke or alcohol since he’s known her.

“What’s wrong babe?” He asked her with obvious concern in his voice, she shrugged.

“Nothing, I just don’t feel up to it right now.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kisses her forehead, “Okay, let’s just head home.” As she stood up Emily giggled.

“You’re looking like you’re eatin’ a bit much!” She exclaimed giggling profusely, Michelle spit on her and tore away from Axl. She runs outside and takes off down the street, Axl tried to follow her but she went to fast.

When he went to pick her up the night she was gone.

Well, well, well you just can't tell
Well, well, well my Michelle
Well, well, well you never can tell
Well, well, well my Michelle

He felt alone when he walked out onto the street, his mind was hazy with all kinds of thoughts. He didn’t know where he was, nor did he care. There were girls all around him but he couldn’t see her anywhere. A couple weeks later is when he started to wonder, whatever happened to my Michelle? He began dating Erin, he liked her a lot. Before he knew it he was in love with her, on the same album he wrote about Michelle he wrote about her. At least that’s what people thought, he knew the truth though.
Everyone needs love
You know that it's true
Someday you'll find someone
That'll fall in love with you
But oh the time it takes
When you're all alone
Someday you'll find someone
That you can call your own
But till then ya better...

What did happen to Michelle? Well she went home after Emily made that comment, she took a pregnancy test but threw it away. She was too afraid to see the results, she knew if she saw them she would have to tell people. She packed her things and left, nobody even knew. Now she lives in Boston just her and her beautiful red headed daughter named Ali.

Now you're clean
And so discreet
I won't say a word
But most of all this song is true
Case you haven't heard
So c'mon and stop your cryin'
Cause we both know money burns
Honey don't stop tryin;
And you'll get what you deserve