Status: Working on It ;)

Gone Away Is the Old Bird


"Reina!" I could see her sitting not so far away on a park bench. She seemed hunched over something, and not wanting to disturb her, "Reina?"
She looks up the second time I call her. Something about her seemed distant, disturbing... different. Definitely something was different.

She tugged on the sleeves of the grey sweater she was wearing, pulling them down over her hands. "Hey, Lake,"

"A-are you alright?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Fine, why?" The playful light wasn't shinning as always in her eyes. She seemed a little down, maybe depressed.

"Oh, no reason." I shrug it off. Reina goes through mood swings every once and a while.
I sat down beside her, and she launched into a conversation, rambling on about God knows what. It didn't take her long to run out of things to say, until she finally choked on one piece of news. "My step-dad's back in town."

My jaw dropped. That man had alot of nerve coming here after what he did to Reina. She has trouble talking about it, the sick, twisted things he did to her, but I knew. "Oh, Reina," I cooed, wrapping my arms around her neck. A few tears escaped down her cheek, sparkling like little diamonds. "You can stay with us until he goes."

"No," She shook her head and wiped off her tears. "He's not staying with us, he's staying in a motel. Closer to your house than mine."

I nod, wishing there was something I could do.

She straightened up. "But I'll be fine. I'm stronger now."

"Yes, you are. But if you need anything, absolutely anything, just ask me," I looked her in the eyes, waiting for her promise.

"Of course,"

"Have you told anybody? I mean, the police would be able to take him away to jail, Reina, and then he'd be out of your life-"

"Stop! I can't tell anybody. And you promised you wouldn't either," She whispered, her voice wavering as if it were about to give out.


"I mean it, Lake. I'm serious," She stared into my eyes, trying to determine whether or not she could still trust me.

I held my hands up in defeat. "Fine,"

She stared at me a couple moments more, before turning around to face the park. She drew in a ragged breath, and I was taken back to the happy, innocent girl I met just two years ago. Two years ago, when I didn't know her life was falling apart behind her smile.


"Where'd you get that box?" I asked, stroking an old jewlery box adorned with beautiful stones.

"Uhh, Christmas when I was little?" She squinted as she was transported back in memories, probably to remember when the beautiful box came into her life.

I nodded and went to sit down on her bed. "Why are you getting rid of so much of your stuff?" I paused, a bad thought crossing my mind. "Are you moving again!?"

She shook her head. "No, just.. want to declutter my room." She held up a pretty silky, maroon blouse, and tossed it in her give away pile.

"You're getting rid of alot of good stuff..." I trailed off, looking longingly over the clothes she didn't seem to mind getting rid of.

She laughed a soft, pretty laugh. "You can take what you want, Lake," She smiled at me and tossed me a blue, satin blouse. "You look beautiful in blue,"

"Thanks," I murmur, digging through her pile of clothes, rooting out my favorite articles of clothing. I looked up at her, and surveyed her for a minute. "You look really pretty in forest green," I winked, and she laughed again.

She had gone through most of her closet already, and was moving on to the jewlery. She had a great taste in jewlery. Lots of silvers and just a few gold necklaces. My eyes fixed on a single diamond secured in a silver frame. "Where'd you get that one?"

She seemed distant, lost in her memories again. "Brody. It was our one-year anniversary a couple months ago, and he took me to get this," She stroked the diamond a few times. "I still can't believe I have such an amazing guy."

I smiled, envious. I'd always believed her to be pretty than myself, and I always found it lucky that she had great guys. But, I would never wish to have her life with all the scars from her past.
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Happy Thanksgiving! xx