Status: Finals are coming by and I need to get my grades up. I won't be updating this very much. I'm sorry. Bare with me.

We're Ghosts in a Hail of Bullets

My Mind and It's Tricks

In some desperate attempt to meet this mystery boy, I nearly broke my neck on Moira's bucket. I stopped to catch myself, breathing heavily and watching the world spin for a moment. I didn't dare run out the door. The steps looked more terrifying now than before.
I walked around the front yard in search of the boy. He seemed to have left, but I saw his curly blonde hair. He was hiding in the shadows casted by the house. His back was against the wall, sitting on the grass. I couldn't make out what was in his hands, but it looked like a small paperback book. He starred at in intensly, muttering the words to himself as if he knew them by heart.

"Hey!" I shouted.
The boy broke his concentration from his book for a moment, starring at me with wide eyes. He looked shocked, almost scared. His eyes pierced through the darkness of the shadows and collided with my icy blues. I took one step to approach him. When I took a step he would back away.
"Are you okay?" I asked him. He took a deep breath and then took off running. I chased after. My feet could only run so fast and I forgot to put my shoes back on. The boy darted around the house into the back yard. By the time I reached the back he was gone. He must have hopped the fence.
I still searched the whole grounds looking for him. It bothered how I was developing an unusual obsession for him. When I was back in my room, I blew out the candle and laid in my bed. I never did get around to putting up posters, but the arms of my bed were too comfortable. The blankets were soft and my pillow was fluffy. The desire to sleep casted it spell on me, inviting to it's world of dreams and amazement. My will was too weak. I closed my eyes and snuggled close to my pillow. As the outside world began to dim and fade something brought me back. A quiet voice whispered, "Sorry for running," in my ear. I jumped, practically falling off of my bed. No one was there, of course.
By this time I was so tired and fed up with the day that I forced myself to fall asleep. No matter how wild my mind was running or how many tricks it played on me, I forced myself to sleep.