Status: I'll update more chapters if you comment... ;)

My Arranged Marriage to John O'Callaghan

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Before Emily knew it she was boarding a plane that would take her to her forced fiancée. Her mother Maria was sleeping soundly next to her. Emily grabbed a small mirror to check how she looked; she had dark brown eyes with golden reflects, olive skin and black wavy hair that reached her thigh all in all it really showed her Spanish heritage. She sighed, she had no idea how John looked like... what if he didn’t like her. Mentally slapping herself she threw her compact mirror in her bag,
“Why should I care if he doesn’t like me?” she whispered to herself,
“Because he is going to be your future husband...duh!” Melissa, Emily’s younger sister said, oh did I mention I had a younger sister? Well I do and she loves all this- my misery, I also have an older brother who is in the Air force.
“Shush you squirt; I don’t need your attitude.” Emily mumbled while nudging her sister, who was 13 years old, she didn’t look anything like Emily, Melissa had pale skin with light brown hair and light brown almost Hazel eyes.
“I bet he’s really ugly and you’ll run for your life” Melissa said,
“Thanks for the encouragement Lissa, have I ever said you are a ray of sunshine” Em commented sarcastically.
“Just saying sis or he could be so handsome... Nah not likely” Melissa giggle making Emily sigh,
“Look I’m nervous enough Lissa, have mercy geez” Emily said annoyed,
“I’m sorry Millie, I was just teasing, I’m really going to miss you when we go back home...”
“Aw man, you had to act all cute! Come here squirt” Em squished her sister in a hug while the flight attendant said they were ready to land and to buckle up their sit belt.
When Emily got out of the plane, she was all fidgety, the palms were so sweaty, she felt it slightly difficult to breathe.
“Okay calm down now honey, you’ll be fine” Her mother said while holding her hand, says you, you’re not the one getting married to a stranger! Emily wanted to yell but did not dare disrespect her mother.
They saw a man holding a sign with Lovisa on it; her mother went to it,
“You must be the Lovisas well the O’Callaghan’s extend their apologise but they couldn’t pick you up so I’ve been hired to get you”
“That’s fine, thank you”
“Geez mama did you set me up to get married to the Arizonian president or something?” Emily whispered,
“No but they are fairly rich” Her mother replied looking at the expensive car.
“Lucky!” Melissa whined; they had never been rich considering their father didn’t want any of them because they were girls so he just left when Mel was 2, but he likes David our older brother. Thinking of this made Emily roll her eyes and smack her sister’s arm.
“Money isn’t everything little one” she said as they entered into a black Chrysler making Emily uncomfortable by the luxury; imagine the money that this car cost, all of it could have been used to feed and vaccinate children in Africa or help the struggling families in America! She thought sadly.
The car pulled in front of a two story house, a beautiful house it was nicely trimmed very home-y.
Emily fixed herself and her clothing before stepping out and almost choked in extremely hot air, all three of them walked to the door and her mother knocked, here is the hour of truth.

“Maria!” a beautiful woman squealed,
“Jenny!” Mama squealed and hugged the woman, weird mama is never this happy,
“Mama is never this happy!” Melissa whispered making me chuckle as she repeated my thoughts.
“Just go with it, we might get lucky and both walk out alive” Em joked making Melissa giggle,
“Oh my word, you must be Emily, you are absolutely gorgeous sweetie!” Jenny engulfed her in a hug,
“Thank you Mrs. Cornelius.” Emily said politely,
“No need for formalities sweetie just call me Jenny, but it’s um O’Callaghan dear not Cornelius” she squeezed Emily into another hug, O’Callaghan why did that sound so familiar?
“Then it’s lovely to meet you Jenny” Emily replied politely and Maria beamed,
“You’re so polite sweetie, maybe you’ll rub off on my boys, and speaking of them I’ll call my two younger ones, John your Fiancée isn’t here yet... Neither is father” she trailed off obviously displeased with him.
“That’s fine, I’d love to meet my future brothers in law” Emily said making both her mother and Jenny beam but Melissa rolled her eyes, Emily chuckle she knew she was pulling out the ‘I’m the best daughter- in- law’ card.
“Ross, Shane come downstairs and meet your sister in law!” Jenny yelled and Emily felt realisation hit her like a ton of bricks, she was seriously doing this... oh god give me strength!
“Our sister in law?” both boys said as they came downstairs, the both had green eyes and brown hair. One of them looked roughly about Melissa’s age and the other was older 18 perhaps?
“Yes this is Maria Lovisa, Melissa Lovisa and Emily Lovisa” Jenny said
“He’s getting married to all of them! Way to go John!” Shane the youngest one exclaims, making Emily and Melissa fall into a fit of giggles,
“No that’s Illegal Shane, ever heard of polygamy? He’s marrying one of them” Ross the older one scolded,
“Which one, because I think that one’s hot” Shane said pointing at Emily, the fit of giggles turned into laughter, and Melissa crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Glad I meet your approval Shane, come here” Emily said still laughing she hugged Shane and turned to Ross with open arms,
“You know you want to hug me” she smiled warmly and Ross rolled his eyes playfully before hugging her and whispered,
“Welcome to the family” The mothers laughed and both beamed at the interaction they were having.
“Thank you, could I use the bathroom please” Emily turned to Jenny,
“Gosh you are so polite it’s lovely and yes just go upstairs, it’s the second door on the left.” She said and Emily nodded. As Emily entered the bathroom she let out released a loud sigh and then she heard a door and Jenny’s voice squealed “John! You’re home!”
“Oh crap!” Emily whisper yelled, “Oh god, oh god, oh god!” she kept saying, she has to get downstairs she gulped the lump of anxiety that built in her throat. She walked downstairs gracefully and found a very tall guy by Jenny; his back was facing the staircase. As she approached she saw Melissa with a gleam in her eyes and she was practically staring, well this guy must look good Emily thought but hoped he was beautiful on the inside much, much more than outside.
“Emily, there you are darling” Always trust Mama to point her out, Emily gave her mother her best smile. She then looked at the man she was going to marry and the shock of his vibrant green eyes made her step falter as she recognise him from the picture Talia showed her Holly molly! This can’t be happening!
“Yes here I am mama, Ta-Da” Emily said smiling wanting to hide her surprise; she saw all of them chuckle and he gave a lopsided smile.
“Hi there, I’m Emily Lovisa” She said happily trying not to show any awkwardness, she extended her hand for a handshake, I don’t think I can hug this man, wait I don’t think it’s him it can’t be...
“John, John Cornelius O’Callaghan” Oh god...It is him, Crap!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey second Update
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<3 Emmeline xx