Status: I'll update more chapters if you comment... ;)

My Arranged Marriage to John O'Callaghan

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Emily picked up her phone and dialed Talia’s number, she watched as the band members interacted she put a finger to her lips and they all shushed while she put her phone on speaker.
“Millie Baby!” Talia squealed, Austin had to grab a jacket and put it on his mouth not to laugh, the rest of the guys bit their lip so they wouldn’t make a sound.
“Tay I have a surprise for you!” Emily said laughing,
“Please tell me you found me a handsome Arizonian Boy that I would fall madly in love with and then Elope!” she said mischievously making Emily roll her eyes and the guys all smirked.
“You wish!” Emily smiled.
“I do, I really do oh! The most embarrassing thing happened to me today!” Talia said dramatically,
“Tay I don’t think you want to say this right now” Emily said knowingly and all the boys told her to shut up because they wanted to hear it.
“No seriously it was embarrassing as! So basically I was at the coffee shop, just minding my own business when this guy, he was pretty big anyways he sits behind of me and then you won’t believe what he did!” Talia paused for emphasis and Emily chuckled,
“What did he do Tay?”
“He farted! And worst he left so quickly, everyone thought it was me! and then to make it worst this cute guy looks at me and says and I quote ‘Its better out than in, you just shouldn’t eat lasagne’ I thought I would die right then and there and you know what’s worst I did have lasagne the night before but I swear it wasn’t me!” Talia said exasperated and Emily started laughing clutching her stomach and worst all the guys laughed, Talia went silent.
“Emily since when has your laugh gone so masculine and- OH MY GOSH YOU PUT ME ON SPEAKER!” she yelled.
“I tried to warn you!” Emily choked of laughter.
“I am going to kill you!” she screeched, “Exactly how many people are there?”
“Um like 7 handsome guys” Emily said and watched all of them smirk at her at the use of ‘handsome’ but Pat and Jared blushed slightly, she rolled her eyes.
“7 handsome Guys... ARE YOU NUTS! HOW COULD YOU IM GOING TO KILL YOU!” Talia yelled embarrassed.
“No you won’t because there’s someone you want to kill before me” Emily said and nodded to Austin.
“Hey Lia” Gibby said loudly, Talia took a sharp intake of breath and went silent everyone waited for her reaction.
Emily did a countdown on her fingers 5,4,3,2 and then she pointed to the phone 1.
“GIBBY!?” Talia yelled right on time making all of them laugh.
“Yes Lia...” Gibby said sweetly,
“Hey I’m just visiting friends how was i supposed to know Millie was marrying O’Callaghan?” Austin defended himself.
“O’CALLAGHAN!” Talia yelled and Emily whispered ‘Oh crap’ John looked at her funny,
“Hi Talia” John piped in and Talia screamed,
“Hey his full name is John Cornelius O’Callaghan, it’s not my fault mama deceived me until last minute!” Emily defended herself.
“Oh my gosh, please I beg you tell me that they did not all hear of my misfortune!”
“We did” they all said at the same time and Talia groaned.
“Thanks Emily!” she said annoyed.
“I’m so sorry they didn’t allow me to warn you Tay” Emily said and heard Talia huff.
“Oh Emily um this is serious ugh Blake...He’s back and he cornered me asking where you went”
“You didn’t tell him did you!?” Emily panicked and took it off speaker grabbing the phone and holding it to her ear,
“Of course not! I would never do that Millie” Talia said slightly stunned that she would think that.
“I know I’m sorry you startled me let’s not speak of this now”
“Okay...” Emily put it back on speaker ignoring all the curious looks the guys were giving her, but only one pair of luscious green ones made her uneasy.
“So what stuff could you tell us about Emily and Austin?” Pat asked Talia,
“Oh where do I begin” Talia answered and you could hear the smirk in her voice making both Gibby and Emily’s eyes widen.
“Two way street Talia, you say something about us, I’ll spill the beans about you as well” Austin said,
“That’s a chance I’ll take Gibby” Talia said mischievously.
“Okay facts about Emily, you guys know she dances right?”
“Ugh no...”
“Well type her name on YouTube and you will see all her dance competitions she’s a gold medallist” Everyone looked at her, she just shrugged.
“You guys may not believe it but Gibby dances too”
“He does, back in high school he and Emily rocked at ‘win the crowd’ oh Em is the social butterfly when it comes to that game”
“What’s win the crowd?” Garrett asked
“Ugh it’s hard to explain but next time you have a party dare them to do it, you will not be disappointed I promise!” Talia said and they all grinned at Emily, then they laughed at Gibby’s expression.
“Who’s Blake?” John asked, making Emily wince
“Psychotic ex-boyfriend” Talia replied, Emily shuddered she didn't want anyone to know just how psychotic Blake really was... Or what he tried to do to her.
“How many boyfriends have you had Emily?”
“Umm ha-ha only one...” she blushed and all of the guys gaped at her, she then saw the back door opening, a pretty girl came out making Tim immediately stand up to hug her and to peck her lips. She smiled towards Emily,
“Hey I’m Brittany, Tim’s girlfriend” she said politely,
“I’m Emily, um John’s Fiancé...?” Emily said but it sounded more like a question, Brit had a shocked expression to her and rushed to hug her making Emily really confused.
“Okay guys, me and Emily will be right back, we need a girl- talk” Brittany pulled her away as the boys were about to object. They walked back inside and Brit pulled her to a couch.
“I am so happy right now!” Brittany squealed making Em laugh,
“Why?” she asked seriously,
“Because John has finally come to his senses, and ditched Carrie that’s why!” she said happily.
“John’s 2 year on and off girlfriend! Oh no he didn’t tell you?” Emily’s stomach dropped even though she didn’t know why, Brittany bit her lip when Emily shook her head.
“Brittany, could you please tell me?” Emily asked gently and Brittany looked towards the door a couple of times,
“Okay but this is between us please he would hate me” she mumbled and Emily promised.
“Carrie and him have been together for like 2 years and she compulsively cheated on him but John liked her so much he always took her back, she was so horrible completely opposite of who you are but in a good way!” Brittany amended quickly and watched as Emily digested all the information.
“Was she pretty?” Emily asked quietly
“Beautiful you know blonde, tall, pale blue eyes but oh-so-vain” Brit shook her head and laid a hand on Emily’s “You are so much better I only just met you but there’s something about you, it tells me your the right one for him” she patted Emily’s hand and Emily could only wonder,
“He really liked her as well?”
“I might have even thought he was in love with her” Brit said and Em’s face dropped; oh god I’m marrying a man who is in love with another woman...
“Do you know if he actually isn’t with her now, like are they broken up?”
“H-he’s engaged to you...” Brittany stuttered.
“We were arranged Brittany, he doesn’t love me, he doesn’t even like me...” Emily chuckled humorlessly for some reason her heart felt heavy.
“Arranged wow... that’s not true he likes you just give him time mils” Emily put her head in her hands in frustration,
“It’s going to be alright Emily” Brittany patted her back.
“Hey is everything alright in here?” A masculine voice said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hiya readers!
Cliff hanger alert! Hehe
So anyone curious about who the heck Carrie is? do you think she'll be a problem and what about Blake? is there going to be drama concerning those two? well I'd like to hear your thoughts, please don't be a silent reader ;)

Thanks to these amazing people:


For always commenting and encouraging me in this story love you guys!

p.s what do you all think of the new background for the story?

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<3 Emmeline Bosquet