Status: Incomplete, but steady writing.

Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik


Maybe it was a show of narcissism that I thought I was cool enough for John to call me sooner. Maybe it was just anticipation. Regardless, he made me wait a week before he called. It was after my classes and after work. I had scored some pills, having tried them before a few times and liking them. The night would consist of pills and weed and it'd be grand. Chad, Flea, Danny, and I were all passing this huge blunt around when the phone rang.

"For you," said Flea, handing me the phone. I passed the monster to Chad and took the phone.

"Whassup?" I asked whoever.

"Hi, it's John. Wanted to take you up on your offer to hang out." he said, trying to sound cool and nonchalant. I had a little lust for him when I saw him, and I had a sneaking suspicion he reciprocated the feeling. Grinning, I sat back.

"Sure thing, dude. You wanna come over? We'll be party hopping tonight, down the dorms."

"Sounds cool. What dorm are you in? I live close, so I can walk over," he said. He was sounding shaky and excited.

I rattled off the information, and after goodbyes, I hung up.

"We have a fifth." said I. They looked to me, three pairs of burning red eyes. I took the smokeable that was passed my way and inhaled.


"That kid from the talent show. John Frusciante," I dragged out his name, liking the way it rolled out of my mouth. Frusciante.

"Oh, yeah?"

"He's a high schooler, though."

"Gotta start somewhere, my dear Chad." I laughed. My second puff was expended, and I passed it again.

When John arrived some twenty minutes later, I opened the door. We were about even in height, but he seemed much smaller.

"Hey." he said.

"C'mon in, man. This is Flea, Chad, and Danny. Guys, this is John."

They exchanged their greetings, and Chad passed the blunt to John. He took it and smoked it like a champ.

"You do lines?" asked Flea. There were a few carved out on the table. One inch lines of Xanax covered apart of the table. It was enough to get us a little more lifted, and by the time the insufflation high wore off, we'd be hitting the parties scattered across campus.

Needless to say, weekends are fun.

"I never have before, but I'll try," John declared, sounding brave.

John's P.O.V.

Anthony blew two lines, then Chad, then Flea, then Danny. Then the bill was handed to me, and I was expected to do the same. I scooted closer to the table, ignoring the burning eyes watching me. It was simple, right? Bill up the nose, finger on the nostril, inhale hard.

I did so. The first flew up my right, and the second up my left. I handed the bill to Anthony and sat back, cross legged.

"Give it a minute,"

I was a little nervous. It was my first time doing anything besides smoking weed or drinking, and even at that I was a bit of a novice. Their eyes seemed to stay on me while we all waited for the effects to kick in.

Watch the show. It wasn't until my fifth line that I felt anything. A grin spread over my face; I could feel my head cloud and my movements slow. The older guys laughed.

"You feel it now?" asked Anthony.

He seemed utterly fascinated, seeing a kid like me do something for the first time.

"Yeah," I laughed. My vision was veiled. I felt utterly and amazingly altered.

He flopped over on the floor, hair falling in his face; those smoldering eyes looking up at me and through me. A smile to match. The others didn't see our eyes meet. They didn't see us resonate.

"Wanna get to Travis's?" Danny asked. He was on his feet already, either not taking no for an answer or going by himself. Everyone looked as high as I felt. I wanted to just chill and see what their dorm had to offer, but I also wanted to transcend what I felt. So I hopped up.

"Easy, kid." Anthony said. He seemed to take forever to stand, giggling to himself as he pulled himself upright.

"Bit eager, isn'ee?"

"Greenie wants to go."

I was the new kid, the youngest and least experienced, and therefore I was getting picked on. I put on a sheepish grin, shut up about it; I was here to hang out and make some new friends, get fucked up. Not get punched in the face for defending myself.

The combination of drugs made me chill.

Anthony linked his arm with mine, pulled me into him. He was a bit friendly. I'd known that from the moment he scribbled his phone number on my hand. I had a good feeling about him, so I gave it a week so as to not seem like the eager kid who just wanted to try drugs and maybe hook up with a cute older guy.

"Let's scoot!" he howled, running with me out of the room to go a few doors down. He knocked and entered. Inside there were a few guys sitting around, listening to funky music and guzzling beer. Their eyes were half lidded and red; were all college kids stoners?

"Hey, AK and friend," laughed the nearest boy. "Grab a beer, chill out."

So we did. There were seven of us in that room, drinking Heineken while I listened to college-kid babble. The xanax insufflation high wore off but the beer replaced it.

"I haven't seen you around, man," said Travis. "You go to this school?"

"I go to Fairfax."

"The high school?" he laughed, "Oh, shit, you must be a cool dude!"

Travis and his room mates erupted into some private laughter. At my expense? I couldn't tell.

"What did you have to do to get in with AK's crew?"

"He plays guitar like an angel."

Travis, who I was beginning to like, laughed. He pantomimed playing the guitar and sang to match.

"Nice, man. I can't play shit."

"Not even the skin flute?" I ventured. I earned a collective laugh.

"No, no, that's this guy," said the guy sitting near the window, Mike. He pointed to Anthony.


Oh. So he did swing that way. I wasn't sure if he was simply eccentric and just flirted with everyone.

I wasn't sure where I stood on that spectrum. Gay? Not quite. Straight? Definitely not.

Who needed labels?

It was soon after that we left, hopping down from room to room, ingesting more beer and sharing stories, news. It was at the end of the hall when we got to Chad's. That's where he and Flea split; the former to pass out and the latter to scoot over to his girlfriend's before the night ended.

"We'll leave you two crazy kids alone," Chad laughed. He and Flea exchanged a look. I hung my head and let Anthony lead me back to where we started. He flopped down on his bed and held his arms out to me. Teeth bared in a grin.

How could I say no?

I took a minute to get into bed with him, my eyes at the same level as his, his arm underneath my neck. It was obvious where he wanted to take this, where I was willing to be led. Our eyes met in the same manner as earlier. It was me that kissed him, which he wasn't expecting.

Anthony turned so as to face me better, a throaty hum issuing from him. It struck me in such a way I started to get a little excited, pressing myself against him. I was a novice, but this wasn't my first time with a male. I'd messed around before in basements, locked bedrooms, did things they'd never talk about again for years.

Our tongues tangled after a moment, tentatively at first; our minds, muddled with alcohol and weed, were brave. Normally I wouldn't have been so bold. He pushed my shirt up, and I proceeded to peel it off. Anthony responded in kind, and then pushed me down so I was on my back.

He grinned, hands snaking down from my chest to the edge of my jeans. I undid them for him, eager for whatever he had in store.

"Easy," he muttered, punctuating the word with a laugh. Slowly, agonizingly, Anthony unzipped, pulled me free. I was at full mast; it was insane how attractive I found him at that moment. He didn't waste any time starting, licking the tip with a flat tongue. His mouth covered it, going from tip to base and back again.

"Look at me," I moaned. I cleared the hair from his face, hand on the back of his head. He did, looking angelic and not at all vulgar, despite the fact that my cock was down his throat.

He was an expert, swirling his tongue over the tip and pumping his hand on me, all while looking me in the eye. It was too much, and I felt myself on the brink. I shied out from inside him, a sigh pouring out. He seemed puzzled by that.

"I don't wanna cum, yet," I whispered. This seemed to be a ticket to find out what else he had to offer, because he hopped off of the bed, pulling his jeans off his skinny frame. "You planned this, didn't you?"

"What do you think?"

He pulled out a bottle of lubricant from his nightstand drawer. From there he straddled my hips, very much in charge. I wasn't complaining in the slightest.

Anthony slicked me, and let me inside himself. He felt wonderful, rolling his hips on my lap at a slow pace. My hands closed around the sharp hills of his hips, guiding him. He looked to be in heaven once he found his rhythm, moans slipping out of his mouth with his head thrown back. I watched, enraptured, while he rode me. We built up to a quick and mad pace, rocking the bed and gasping in time. It was fantastic to be ridden over the edge by this beautiful creature, but I wanted to take charge.

I traded places with him, pinning him beneath me on the bed. He seemed shocked, but ready enough. I buried myself in him again, holding his knees down to the bed. I started off as he did; slow at first, but picking up speed and finding my rhythm.

The noises he made were driving me crazy. I bent over, mouth on the spot beneath his earlobe.

"Moan for me," I ordered, driving into him hard. He gasped. I pulled out and plunged in, earning the sound I craved. The more Anthony seemed to love it, the more I wanted to do. I made short, shallow thrusts for a few beats before going in deep and hard again.

"Oh, fuck," he managed, sounding almost strangled. I fucked him, hard and fast. Our breathing came labored and in tandem. I'd known him for only a few hours, really, and I was fucking him for all I was worth. The bed creaked terribly, but we didn't care in those moments.

The intoxicants I ingested were great, but this topped them, although to have them at them same time was truly magnificent.

I pinned his knees down again, getting closer with each go. He grabbed himself with his right hand, pulling in time with my hips. As I felt myself nearing orgasm, I went faster. Panting. Groaning. The pleasure reached its zenith. I spilled inside him in what was an unparalleled orgasm.

I think I bit his collar bone, but I couldn't be sure. Once I pulled out, Anthony took my fingers and put them where I just was. I caught the hint and worked them inside, matching the pace I'd just kept up with my hips while he stroked himself. It took a minute or two for him to reach orgasm, but it was just as intense as mine, it seemed.

Anthony sighed and relaxed, not caring at all about the cum sprayed across his belly. I collapsed against his chest; I didn't really care about much besides falling asleep.

Our muddled minds melted away into dream land, a bit quicker since we were beat and under the influence. It was a strange and wonderful night. I didn't know what it was the preamble to. Maybe I should have run away, screaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oops. Foreshadowing.