I Found Her

Dreams, that's where I have to go to see your beautiful face anymore.


‘Marta!’ they boy called out, catching up with half-Polish girl. She was tall, thin, had brown wavy twirls that falls perfectly down her shoulders, and her eyes; showing hazel orbs that shows idealism. ‘Can we hang out later?’ said Ray, stuttering under his words.

He wasn’t like this around anyone but with Marta, he seems to be so different. His hands would start to abruptly shake and his words would stumble upon one another. He was amazed he managed to squeak out the five words he had just spoken.

The girl tilted her head and was now facing Ray. She smiled, making the boys heart skip a beat. She gripped tighter on her books. ‘Uhh, sure.’ She replied softly. ‘Of course.’

The boy flipped, he was happy. ‘See you later then!’

‘Yeah, see you!’ she grinned, making the boy’s heart skip more than a thousand times in one second. He watched the girl walk away and wave at him one last time. He waved back, ‘She’s beautiful.’ He said to himself, not sure what to believe. If she was real, or if this was real. But it was.


‘Hey.’ The boy beside him said, as he flailed his arms in front of Ray. ‘Are you in a coma or something? You’ve been staring at thin air since lunch break.’ Scott, his seatmate asked.

Ray looked up at him, with blinking eyes. ‘She said yes.’

Scott’s eyes widened and brought his arm chair closer to Ray. He slapped his arm softly and stared at him bluntly. ‘She did? When? Where? How?’ he asked, all at the same time, his voice sped up like he was being fast-forwarded. ‘Was it during lunch break? How did you ask her? What did you say?’

Ray exhaled, feeling a bit annoyed. ‘Look, calm down Scott. I just asked her to hang out, that’s all.’ He explained, lowering his shoulders. ‘And don’t tell anyone. I don’t want malicious badgering.’

Scott laughed. ‘Oh, I thought you we’re like, together-together.’ He said, ‘So where are you planning to take her later? Somewhere new I hope. Girls like that.’

‘Just in Jonathan’s, she loves it there.’ He replied, now fixing his bag since the dismissal bell had just rang. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow Scott.’ He added, zipping his bag and strapping it on his shoulders. And now giving a last wave, before going out of the room.

Ray waited casually outside their school gate. He’d kick pebbles just to kill time or just sit down somewhere comfortable. Or just practice his lines before Marta comes along and take him away. He laughed at himself once in a while, a bit delighted at his desperate attempts.

Then in one moment, a girl stood by his side. The sunlight complimenting her brown hair alluringly and her hazel orbs apparent with every blink. ‘Hey,’ she greeted. ‘So, uhh, you ready to go?’

Ray flinched. All the lines that he had practiced seemed to be so distant and out of his mind. ‘Uh yeah.’ He nodded, helping Marta carry her school bag and leading her to a cab to Jonathan’s. He could hear his heart beating loudly. He was scared she might hear it too.

‘Soo..’ Marta started. ‘Where are we going exactly?’ she asked, as she sat comfortably on the passenger seat.

Ray stared at her. ‘Jonathan’s.’ He answered. ‘And it’s my treat, so you don’t have to worry.’

‘I love it there!’ she said, her face beaming. ‘But are you sure you’re going to pay for me, I mean. I have money and I’m pretty sure I can pay for myself.

‘Nonsense. It’s my treat. I’m the one who asked you if we could hang.’ Ray smiled, making the girl blush by his side. He stared away. He was worried he might melt if he stared any longer.


When they paid and the cab finally halted to a stop in front of the restaurant, Ray went down first. And as the gentleman that he is. He opened the door, holding it until Marta went out. She smiled, ‘Thank you.’

Ray smiled back, closing the cab door behind them. ‘You’re welcome.’

The moment they went in the restaurant, they automatically looked for seats where they could talk and sit comfortably. Ray, on the other hand, just wanted both of them to be alone in one corner and have some private talking. A sweet, private talking.

‘Over there.’ Ray said, pointing at one corner where no one was really close to it. It was where the sunlight would pierce through the transparent glass, revealing the open streets of Aussie.

When they were finally seated, a waitress immediately scurried over to their table and took their orders from them. She was tall and a bit chubby. ‘So what’s your order going to be lovelies?’

‘I’ll have spaghetti.’ Marta answered, putting down the menu. ‘And just coke.’

The waitress stared at Ray. ‘I’ll have the same.’ Ray replied. And with the order, she strolled away, with her notepad and her pen.

They were filled with awkward air between them. Ray couldn’t bring up any topic since he was swallowing every word that he’s saying. Marta, on the other hand, has always been the shy type. And she couldn’t just say something. So Ray had to do it, whether he was going to swallow everything up. He still needed to speak.

‘So, I learned a new Polish word today by the way.’ He started, impressively saying it normally. No swallowing included. ‘It’s a bit rough though when I say it, it might sounds a bit like gibberish.’ He added, his face embarrassed.

Marta laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. Ray loved her laugh, it made him happy. And it made him happier knowing that he was the one who made her laugh.

‘Let me hear it then.’ Marta said, after her laughter faded away. ‘I swear, I won’t laugh.’ She promised, raising her right hand and then crossing her heart.

Ray shrugged at first, but he brought it up so has to say it. ‘Don’t laugh okay?’ he said, while Marta nodded, and smiled.

‘It’s uhh,’ he said, now plucking up the courage, to reach out to her hands. When he did grab a hold of her hands, he was shaking. He always wanted to hold her hands, and now he is. She flinched, a bit shocked, but she still let him though. Ray breathed hard, ‘It’s Znalazłem ją.’

Marta smiled; her face red and roseate. She could feel Ray’s hands shake between her palms. It made her feel safe and warm. ‘I wanted to teach you another Polish word too!’ she said, making Ray smirk sheepishly and nod. ‘It’s Znalazłem Ciebie.’

‘Znalazłem Ciebie?’ Ray asked, still holding her hands softly. ‘Did I say that correctly?’

‘Yeah.’ She nodded, smiling.

‘So, what does that mean?’ Ray asked.

She smiled and now gripped tightly to Ray’s shaking hands, making them quiver even more. ‘It means I found you.’ She smiled, biting her lip. ‘Znalazłem Ciebie Ray.’
♠ ♠ ♠
For you RayRay. Hope everything goes well. And I hope you like this :3