Sequel: Therapy
Status: prequel!!!

Forget About It

europe festivals

Jack's P.O.V.

“We’re here! We’re here!” I yelled jumping with Alex around Matt and the others, “Guys we’re in GERMANY!”

The heads of other travelers at the terminal turned towards us, but Alex and I are so used to it by now. The rest of the Band and Crew usually love the attention as well, but not when Alex and I are on a sugary high; especially not after an annoying nine-hour flight across the world.

Rian slapped my face, “Will you just chill for once?”

“RIAN WE’RE IN GERMANY!” I shouted even louder.

I mean it's fucking festival season in Europe. How can you not be excited?

“Shut up, okay?” Matt ordered the two of us, “Or I’m getting the leash. I really don’t need the attention of your fourteen year old fans at the moment!”

“A leash,” Alex raised his eyebrows, “that’s kinky Matt, I like it.”

Alex and I laughed and joked around for the reminder of the time at the baggage claim. As always we had to wait and collect luggage for an hour, making sure we’ve gotten everything into the bus and trailer.

Way too soon I crashed in my bunk, realizing it would be nighttime back in Baltimore by now, and not seven a.m. in the morning. Traveling through time zones is a real bitch.


“JACK!” Zack yelled through the bunk beds, making me fall onto the floor.

“What do you want fucker?”

“We’re here.”

“Where?” I retorted, obviously never knowing the schedule and definitely not when we just started a new tour.

“Some German festival, food is served, interview in an hour and a half and stage tomorrow at five.”

“OMG!" The mention of festival again popping into my head, how could i fucking forget? "Are the Foo Fighters like here too?” I immediately jumped up.

Zack stared at me with huge eyes: “Dude, it’s kind of weird when you still fan girl over the Foo Fighters. We’ve met Dave a few times before.”

“Shut up,” I pulled a shirt out of my bunk, smelled it and pulled it on. “They are my favorite band and I love David.”

Zack smiled at me and shook his head. “You should probably try and catch a shower, they’re really neat here. The party here will probably start around five in the afternoon, so three hours or so,” He turned away and walked to the front, “David will be there.”

I made a grimace at my bandmate and grabbed the axe before completely engulf myself with it, showers are overrated. I grabbed some stuff and went off our tour bus to find the hotel room we'd be staying in tonight.

Festivals in Europe are seriously a must go. Hot chicks, lots of alcohol and just one big ass party.
♠ ♠ ♠
three comments for the next chapter! :)