

"Yes." Oliver whispered.

"Hear what?" Kaelan demanded.

`You all must die!`

"That!" I squeaked.

"No use. Guess it's just us." Oliver said shaking his head.

"I'm out!" Kaelan said throwing up the peace sign and turning to leave.

"Me, too." Julius said backing away. "I've never had experience with ghosts and I want to keep it that way."

"C'mon, Luna." Kaylee said, motioning for me to follow her.

I looked over at Oliver, he was still tense, still listening.

"Oliver...?" I whispered. Oliver slowly untensed and looked directly at me.

"Go." He said the word coldly. That one word scared me the way he said it. I shivered.

"Are you sure?"

"Luna," Kaylee interrupted impatiently.

"I'll be fine." He forced a smile. "Now go, Luna. I'll see you at dinner."

"Okay." I turned and followed Kaelan, Kaylee, and Julius out of the library and to our class.

"What ever happened in there, I don't want to bring up." Kaylee said throwing up her hands dramatically.

"Scared of little ghosties!?" Kaelan taunted, tickling Kaylee's sides.

I stepped around them with Julius and walked inside the classroom.

"Are they...a thing?" I asked. Gee, what was up with me and wanting to know people's relationship history?

"Yeah. I thought you knew." Julius said.

"I've only been here for a few hours." I said smartass-like.

Julius sat down along with Kaylee, Kaelan and me. Kaylee adjusted her glasses and smile at me.

"So," she said in a low voice. "What do you and Oliver have goin' on?"


"You and Oliver Justice? What ever it is, you better not let Victoria find out."

"Victoria? Who's she?" I asked, afraid Oliver had lied to me.

"Some girl who has this huuuge crush on Oli Boy. If you and him are an item, try not to let Victoria find out. She's sneaky enough to hex you. Jealous Psych Bitch Syndrome." Kaylee said half-serious, half-joking.

"Nothing's going on between Oliver and I. Swear." I said trying not to blush.

"Then why were you two alone in the library, speaking in hushed voices? Sounds romantic to me."

"We were just having a conversation. And we weren't completely alone, the librarian was there, too." Which wasn't a lie.


"Kaylee, you weren't there! You don't know what happened! Quit assuming shit, you're really bummin' me out." I said bitterly.

Kaylee snapped her mouth shut and tried not to make eyecontact with me anymore.

I tried not to worry about "Victoria", because whoever she is, she's no different than I am and I will not let her walk all over me.


Dinner with my coven was fun. We told stories and laughed and had a good time.

And then I saw her...

"That's her?" I whispered to Morgan, pointing to a tallish girl sitting a few seats down the table from Oliver's right.

"M-hm. Victoria Noel is a cynical girl. I'm shocked she has friends." Morgan said disgusted. "She's nothing like those skanky hoebags that'll date one guy and then say 'On to the next one'! Oh, no! She's one of those creepy, stalker, obsessive chicks who believe everyone has selfish motives and is hateful toward anyone who gets in her way."

"Jeez, Kaylee wasn't kidding about her being a jealous psycho bitch."

"Nope. Every word exact."

"So exact, it's scary." Roman implied as he sat next to Oliver. "But she also has one of those 'I don't give a fuck' attitudes."

"That too." Oliver agreed.

"I'd like to meet her anyway." I said shrugging off their opinions.

"Your funeral." Oliver said quietly, pinning me with his emerald jewel eyeballs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter updated until I complete at least 3-4 more chapters on notebook paper. Thanks for reading. If anyone is reading this. You're great for that. Comment, subscribe, and...yeah, all that. (: PS, inbox me if you've got questions about the story.