

"Luna, can I tell you something?" Morgan asked as we lay in the darkness of our room.

"Sure, Morgan." I said sitting up. She sat up too.

"Well, I know you might think I sound stupid and think I want attention, but..." Morgan hesitated, sighed and continued. "The dreams I have, aren't mine."

"I don't understand." I replied quizzically.

"It's like I can walk through anyone's dreams, but I've never had my own." She sounded nervous.

"Have you told anyone about this?"

"No. Everyone in my family thinks I make things up and play pretend to get attention. Like being a Wiccan for example. No one took me seriously."

"I do, Morgan. I haven't known you long enough to accuse of lying about anything."

"Thanks a lot, Luna. I think I can count on you."

"Awww! BFFs! Okay, so explain to me why you think you can walk through dreams. Other people's dreams."

"Well, it's complicated to explain. I just know I have this out -of-body experience while I sleep. I hop from dream to dream. Once I think I even changed someone's dream...but I can't remember how I did it." Morgan explained puzzled.

"Do people ever see you? Or tell you you were in their dreams?"

"That's another thing. Ya know how sometimes someone dreams about someone else?" I nodded. "Well no one I know has had a dream with me in it."

"That actually sounds pretty cool. Walking through and shaping dreams and all."

"Ehhh. Morpheus is the shaper of dreams."

"Your cat?" I asked thinking about the salt and pepper colored fur ball walking through dreams and making them into cat-stuff. Or what ever cats dream about.

"Of course not! The Greek God Morpheus. He is the shaper of dreams." Morgan laughed.

"Oh, right!" I knew that, psh!"

"Uh-huh." Morgan slammed her back into the mattress, startling Morpheus who was sleeping at the foot of her bed. "I wish I knew what's wrong with me." She sighed heavily, filling the entire room with an emense gust of wind.

It startled me and I nearly jumped out of bed.

"Sorry." Morgan whispered apologetically. Then, she turned toward the wall and didn't speak.

I stared out the window at the full moon, feeling the icy water in my veins rush through me and letting it soothe me to sleep.
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