
Stop & Shop

Wednesday, August 7, 2011

So it was winter and my mom went to i believe it was stop and shop or price chopper. Facing the sotre, she went in on the left side but I went to the right side and sat outside on a bench facing the store. In front was J3T and I took my iPod out and took a picture of him. Two people who probably never heard of HU were sitting nect to him. And when they left, I got up and sat down next to him. I think I knew it was a dream so I started to shake my lef and like rub it against him - like his knee area. He was wearing sandals and socks and he like shaked his foot rubbing it against my foot/ankel and I was thinking, "I bet he's doing that on purpose". Then I took my iPod out and took a few bad pics of us considering I don't think he knew I took the pics. So I asked for pictures with of his abs - and I got them. Then I turned my head and tried to kiss his cheek but I missed and like kissed his eye. And for the next picure he gave me a kiss on the cheek <333. (I don't know if what happens next happened after or before what I just said). So J3T got up and I got sad thinking he was leaving but instead he went to the snowy ice and started sliding back and forth as if he was ice skating and I just kept on watching. Then he said, "I bet you can't do this!" And I was like, "ME?!?!" And he said, "well anyone" er something like that, but I still didn't get up to try. All I did was take out my iPod and start to record him :) Then I remember waking up and going back to sleep and to my dream. FunnyMan peeked out from behind the wall and I was like "EEEEEP! .... Can I have your autograph?" And he said, "Sure". I asked him to sign my dead cultour sweater again (because he already did in real life) He was like "oooh black" and started writing stiff on my sweater. I wasn't legible thought :( Then I remember sitting back down next to Johny and I think we might have talked. I went inside the store to see the others and there was a table there because there was a large party going on inside. But when I walked in, it was my house. I put my stuff down and walked past the dining room table - where they all were sitting. I walked into the bathroom to talk my headband off and then took the rest of my winter stuff off. My mom calls me from the basement so I answer to her in Polish. I tell my mom we have guests and she asks, "who?" so I whisper, "Hollywood Undead" I told her I kissed Johny and I go to my iPod to show her the pictures. In the pictures it looked like I was kissing his chin and he looke like really old - and not cute...THEN THE DREAM ENDED >:|