Status: Please Read... it gets better I promise :)

Only Because You're My Best Friend

chapter 1

“Rafael I’m afraid you need to be married. If by the end of this week you aren’t engaged you will have an arranged marriage with Martha.”

“Mom! Dad!” Rafael cries in disbelief.

“Sorry son, it’s the only way you can take over the family business. You need to start a family to own and run our many family chains of restaurants.”


“Nope, sorry son, find a wife, marry Martha, or don’t take over the business; those are your options.” Rafa shivers at Martha’s name. The last thing he would do would be marry her.

Before anyone else said a word Rafa’s best friend Krypton skips in saying, “Hi Michaelangelos!” After the words leave her mouth she sense the tension and begins to back out slowly to only be stopped by Rafa.

“Don’t leave. Please.”

She freezes in her tracks continuing to listen to him, “They are forcing me to marry.” He quickly informs her resulting in her jaw dropping.

“Why don’t you two figure this out together?” His mother lightly tells the two knowing it’s a lot to take in and they’ll solve it together, they always do.

Rafa wordlessly nodded his head knowing he couldn’t do anything; he needed to find a wife.

The two wordlessly walked into his room. When they arrived to his large, open, blue room Krypton fell backwards onto his bed before flipping over onto her stomach face him while he sits on his carpeted floor in front of her. It was the pair’s usual sitting arrangement in his room.

She broke the silence saying, “What do you want to do?”

“I want to take over the business, it’s my dream, but I refuse to marry Martha so we have four days to find me a wife, let’s begin.”

Four hours later no progress was made only now they were both lying on their backs on his bed.

“What about Carmen?”

“She’s nice, but I couldn’t put up with her every day.”

“You know I thought this would be easy, just about anyone will marry you, but you’re so picky. It seems I’m the only girl you can put up with everyday.”

This causes a revelation in Rafa. He suddenly sits up staring at Krypton. She slowly follows him and sits up as well, “What’s up?”

“I’ve got it!” Rafa says.


“Marry me!”


“Be my wife.”
♠ ♠ ♠
what do you think so far?