Status: New story! :)

Rainy Day

January 24th, 2008 is a night that 18 year old Cassidy Kingston will never forget. That's the night she met a rock star backstage after a concert. That's the night she followed him back to his bus and had a little fun. It's the night she conceived her son as well.
Her parents kicked her out soon after finding out she wasn't going to abort, and Cassidy desperately went to the father for help, only to find his manager waiting with a huge sum of money to keep it a secret.
Now 21 Cassidy has one goal in life. That is to keep her 3 year old son Declan James away from his father, that hard core rock'n'roller with an unstable lifestyle and a bad habit for drinking too much and overdosing on drugs.
Living a comfortable life with enough money to last, Cassidy doesn't think this will be much of a problem. She won't ever have to find him for financial support- nor would she want to. She also wouldn't be going to his concerts.
Everything is going fine until an armed robbery turns her life upside down.