Say It One More Time

What's The Deal?

Ally’s POV

I’d barely left my class when my phone buzzed in my pocket, it’s probably Rennie…
I searched my phone out, but was surprised to see Frank’s name attached to the text, Hey Ally, can I speak to you quickly before you go, without Lorena? I’ll be outside the library x
Great, this is just what I need… I replied, Yeah sure, I won’t be long x

I made my way up to the library, and spotted Frank stood, leaning against the wall.
“You better make this quick Frank, Rennie’s waiting for me outside” I said to him sternly.
“It’s just… What is her deal?! I’ve tried so hard to just be nice to her all day, to talk to her, make her feel welcome, and all I get is cold half-hearted replies, and then, right before I texted you, she actually shouted at me, telling me that she doesn’t need me around and stuff… Yet she’s more than happy to talk freely to you” he looked so sad, like this was genuinely hurting him.

I sighed before responding to him, “She’s been through a lot… It’s not my place to tell you what, but… Well… She didn’t just move here for the fun of it. I wish I could tell you more, but I really can’t. You’re just gonna have to be patient with her, give her space if that’s what she wants, but don’t be mean about it.” I smiled reassuringly at him before continuing, “I know it seems harsh on you, but she only talks to me because I’m her cousin, we’re family.” He was looking a bit happier to know that she wasn’t just being a bitch for no reason, I placed my hand on his shoulder, “I’m sure she’ll get through this, and I hope you’ll be there to help her”
“Thanks… I’ll see what I can do… I guess for now, that means not talking to her…” he gave me a quick hug and we walked out of the building together, going our separate ways before I found Rennie.

“Hey Rennie, sorry I took so long, I just got talking to friends” I said smiling at her while helping her up off the grass.
“Don’t worry about, I like to just sit and think” she smiled back at me as we started our walk home.
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Just a quick one here, more will be up soon :)