Say It One More Time

Blessed With A Fro

I woke up to the sun shining through my window, right into my eyes. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’d woken up easily, and that I felt pretty positive, the sun would have annoyed the hell out of me.
I got myself out of bed and decided to have a quick shower, seeing as I had more time than usual.
I ran over to the bathroom with my towels and uniform and licked myself in.
Turning the shower on, I let it run until it was hot, and jumped in quickly, letting the water cover me as the room steamed up.
Once I was done, I turned the water off and grabbed my towels, wrapping one around my head and the other around my body.
I dried myself vigorously, because if I didn’t, I would get a flare up of eczema… Not something that I really want…
I got dressed and left the bathroom, going downstairs to get a cup of tea.
To my surprise, I found both my mum and Frank sat at the table again, both nursing mugs.
“Oh hey Frank, to what do I owe this pleasure?” I asked him as he acknowledged my presence.
“Morning Rennie!” he smiled, “I was just ready early, thought I’d pop round… Ya know”
I raised my eyebrows at him and greeted my mum, heading over to the kettle.
“Nice hat” I heard Frank comment at me as I was brewing my tea.
“It’s called a towel, not that you’d know, seeing as you never wash” I retorted, smirking to myself.
“Ouch… That hurt…” I imagined Frank to be pouting, and when I turned around, I saw that I was right, so I smiled sweetly at him.

“Is she always that mean to you Frank?” mum asked him, frowning at me.
“We’re all like this,” he laughed, causing her to shake her head in despair.
“Anyway, I need to go and do my hair,” I announced, grabbing my mug of steaming hot tea and making my way to my room.
Only minutes after I had turned on my straighteners and started drying my hair, I noticed Frank stood in my doorway.
“I guess my mum trusts you then?” I asked, looking at him through my mirror, I don’t think he even realised that I had seen him, as he looked slightly startled, when I spoke.
“Oh, yeah, I guess so, she wouldn’t take no for an answer” he chuckled walking over to my bed and standing on it.
“You know the normal thing is to sit on a bed, right?” I asked him, laughing slightly at him.
“Oh well, does it look like I’m normal?” he said, sticking his tongue out at me.
I finished drying my hair, and went on to straightening it.
“Seriously though, why are you here so early?” I asked him again, hoping for an honest answer this time.
He shrugged, but I stared him down long enough for him to give in.
“Mom had some guy over last night… He came round after I walked you home… Didn’t really feel like seeing them both this morning…”
My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as he spoke. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re always welcome here then isn’t it?” I tried to cheer him up.
“True…” he agreed. Suddenly his face lit up, and he jumped off the bed, coming over towards me. “Hey, can I borrow your straighteners?” he asked me randomly.
“Uhh yeah, sure” I replied, handing them over to him. I decided to start on my makeup, but it was kinda hard seeing as I had to fight over the mirror with Frank.
“Honey, this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us” Frank said sassily. I raised my eyebrows at him and stuck my tongue out, continuing to fight for my spot.
“Huh… That should totally be a song…” Frank mused, his distraction causing me to win our little battle. I finished lining my eyes with heavy black eyeliner, and went straight for my mascara. Once I was done with that, I stepped back from the mirror, checking myself over. I decided that my hair needed more volume so I took my hairspray and covered the underneath of my hair, by hanging my head upside down. Frank soon took over the mirror so I decided to leave it how it turned out, knowing that it will calm itself down soon enough anyway.

Having finished my morning routine, I picked up my bag, only having to wait for Frank.
“Oi, princess, you done yet?” I insulted him as I perched on the edge of my bed.
He flipped me off, before setting my straighteners down and turning them off.
“God! Done now! You happy?” he exclaimed sarcastically.
I just smiled at him, and skipped out of my room. I ran into the kitchen to grab a slice of toast for my journey, and Frank followed.
“You off now?” mum enquired, looking Frank up and down, with a confused look etched on to her face.
“Yeah, and yes, Frank insisted on straightening his hair…” I told her. She once again shook her head and left to go and get ready for work.
“Bye Mrs Harrison! Thanks for the coffee!” Frank called to her as we left the house. I laughed at him being so polite.
“Come on, you’re gonna make us late,” I told him, grabbing his arm and dragging him down the path to the pavement.
He huffed, but soon cheered up again, casually skipping along.
“What is it with you and skipping?” I asked him laughing as he received a dirty look from some old woman.
“Dunno… It’s fun…” he shrugged and carried on.

We soon made it to school, finding everyone else already there.
“Oh my god! Rennie!” Iris squealed as we approached, “The guys told me about what happened to you! I can’t believe it, what a dick!” I gave her a small smile, signalling that I didn’t really want to go into it right now. She instantly understood and changed the subject.
“Oh hey Frankie, nice hair” she winked at him.
“My baby looks so sexy!” Gee agreed, hugging him.
“Dude, are you sure you’re not gay?” Ray asked, causing an outburst of laughter from everyone.
“Straight as a ruler, Raymundo, just not all of us are blessed with a ‘fro like you” he responded, gaining more laughs, and making Ray flip his hair like in the shampoo adverts… Or try to anyway… It’s kinda hard to flip a ‘fro…
All too soon the familiar sound of the bell ringing broke into our conversations, making us all groan out in disappointment.
“Well, I guess we’d better get going…” Bob announced, standing up from where he had been sat on the grass, and bouncing in the direction of the doors. Slowly we all followed; me, Frank and Mikey all headed towards the science rooms, whilst everyone else went their own way.
At least these guys make science lessons enjoyable…