Say It One More Time

Treat 'em Mean, Keep 'em Keen

Ahh Saturday… How I love not having to get out of bed…
I woke up when the sun hit my face. I checked the clock to see that it was 1 o’clock, oh how I love my lie ins. I smiled, tonight was gonna be fun.

I was startled out of my thoughts by two over hyper teenage girls running into my room and jumping onto my bed.
Seriously? What is it with guys and jumping on my bed to wake me up?
“Morning sunshine!” Ally sang as she ripped my curtains open, practically blinding me in the process.

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me… It’s only 1!” I moaned.
“Yeah I know, that’s only 5 hours til your hot date! Now up and at ‘em!” she clapped her hands like she was some important business woman trying organise her staff…
“I hate you, you know that?” I shot at her.
“I know,” she grinned back at me, “But you won’t for long, not when you see the look on Frankie’s face when you open that door!”
I dragged myself out of bed to see Iris rummaging through my drawers.
“What are you doing Iris?” I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
“Oh just looking for some tights or something to go with the dress” she said simply, like it was completely obvious.
“Ok… Well I’m going to get a cuppa… Anyone want anything?”
“No, we’re good.” Ally’s muffled voice replied from inside my wardrobe.

I walked down the stairs to see mum sat with her feet up on the sofa watching some news thing.
“Morning mum” I said to her.
“Oh morning honey, or should I say afternoon?” she smirked at me.
“Whatever…” I walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on, grabbing a mug and a teabag while I waited for it to boil.
“Well, Ally and Iris seem pretty excited about your date, don’t they?” mum laughed, standing at the kitchen door.
“Just a bit… I had them jumping on my bed… And now they’re looking through all my drawers and stuff looking for the perfect pair of tights…”
“Oh dear… I’d better let you get back to them if you want a room to sleep in tonight…” she laughed, hinting that they’d wreck the place without supervision.

I took my tea upstairs back to my room to see them now looking through my makeup.
“Feeling better now Rennie?” Iris asked as I went to sit on my bed.
“Yeah I suppose”
“I bet you didn’t complain when Frankie jumped on your bed yesterday…” Ally joked.
“Actually he’ll disagree with you on that… There was more swearing…” I told them, remembering yesterday morning.
“Treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen…” Iris laughed, finally appearing from my makeup cupboard.

“Is that what you’re doing with Bob then?” I winked at her, causing her cheeks to flush red.
“Huh? What do you mean..?” she asked, all of a sudden embarrassed.
Ally burst out laughing and nearly fell off the bed.
“Well, you know, you’re always being mean to him, like yesterday, threatening to give him a makeover, and you always hit him!” I laughed
“She is totally right” Ally agreed with me. Iris stared at us dumbfounded.
“I don’t… I don’t like him…” Iris tried to convince us.
“You totally do!” I laughed, “I’ll prove it too. My friend, you know Lynds? She has an uncanny ability to detect when someone has a crush, you just wait til she gets here, she’ll tell us” I winked at her.
Iris didn’t say anymore, probably knowing that she’d lose on any point she tries to make.

“Anywayyy,” I decided to change the subject, “I need a shower so you girls can do my hair”
This bought the smile back to Iris’s face.
“Well off you go then!” she squealed pushing me out of the door, towards the bathroom.

I locked the door behind me and slipped out of my clothes and into the hot running water.
I decided to take my time with the shower, letting the water run down my face almost therapeutically.
I grabbed my shampoo and massaged it in, hating the fact that it was turning red, even though it’s normal when you dye your hair.
I quickly rinsed the shampoo out and massaged in my conditioner, I wanted to leave this in for as long as possible.
I took my time as I shaved my legs, not wanting to cut myself and have a huge gash on my leg. Trust me when I say that it’s not the prettiest sight…

I was interrupted by a knocking at the door.
“Seriously Rennie, how long does it take to fucking shower?!” Ally was asking impatiently on the other side of the door.
“Stop stressing!” I shouted at her, “I’m nearly done” I quickly washed myself and rinsed the conditioner from my hair. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off, pulling my dressing gown over my body.
“Safe” I greeted the girls as I walked into my room.
“Right, sit” Iris commanded, pointing at my desk chair. I couldn’t be arsed to say anything about her commanding me like a dog, so I just did as she said and sat down.
“Ok then, here we go!” Ally cried, sounding a little bit too excited. What have I let myself into?

-~- 4 hours later -~-

“I think I just heard him at the door!” Iris squealed, they had finally finished ‘dolling’ me up.
It was at this moment that the nerves set in, I don’t know why, I mean, I know that I don’t really need to do much to win him over… Well I don’t think I need to do anything!

“Rennie!” I heard mum shout from downstairs.
“I’m coming!” I shouted back, and checked over my appearance one last time. I have to admit, they did a good job.
My hair was up in a rough side ponytail with bits straggling everywhere, some pieces curled and some pieces straight. They had done smoky eye makeup and a gentle blusher. I looked damn good.
“Well go on then! Don’t leave him waiting!” Ally shoved me to the door once more.
I slowly walked down the stairs to see Frankie standing at the door in a pair of black skinny jeans, held up by a studded belt, a white shirt that fitted in all the right places and finished off with a red skinny tie. He’d straightened his hair and even put on some eyeliner, he looked hot. Seriously hot.
He stared at me as I reached him, and looked slightly lost for words.
“Hey” I smiled, breaking the silence.
“Wow… Ermm, hey” he replied.
“We have got to get a picture!” Ally shouted running to her bag to get her camera out, “Come on you two, smile for the camera!” she pushed us so we were stood next to each other, Frank loosely wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled sweetly, I mimicked his smile and soon the flash went.
“Oh you look so adorable together!” mum commented as Ally showed her the screen, “Now off you go you two, have fun! Oh and Frank, look after her” she smiled and waved us out of the door, shutting it quickly behind us.

“You look really good Frankie” I commented, noting that he had put a ring in his lip and nose piercings.
“Pfft, I look like a tramp compared to you!” he laughed nervously, “you look… you look beautiful, like seriously… I can see why they wanted your clothes to be a surprise…” he stuttered, he was so cute like this.
“Thanks” I replied, feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks, “So… Where are you taking me?” I asked.
“Well I was thinking, we could go for an Italian, then to the cinema to see that horror film I said about?”
“That sounds good to me” I smiled, well I think it was more of a grin, I was just so happy.