Say It One More Time

Time For A Little Change

Later that night, once we had all eaten our tea, we settled down in the living room together, ready for our discussion.
"So... Mum, dad, I've decided that I want to move school" I stated suddenly, catching them off guard.
"Are you sure honey?" dad asked me, looking stunned.
"Yes. Definitely. There's nothing keeping me there, and I think a new start would do me some good." I was being blunt about the topic, I don't see a reason why I shouldn't be, there's no point in sugar coating the situation.
"Have you really thought this through?" this time mum spoke.
"I have, like I said, there's nothing there for me, only bad memories. At least at a new school, no one will know what's happened."
"Yeah... You have a point I guess" mum agreed "but what school will you go to?"
"Well... I don't want to go an inner city one anymore..."
"Hmm... We'll ring Mrs Brook up tomorrow and let her know your decision, then maybe she could advise us"
"Yeah, she probably will... Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now, it's been a long day..." I told them.
"Of course honey, night night"
"Goodnight baby girl"
I smiled at them both before heading up the stairs and crashing straight on my bed.

-~- 1 Week Later -~-

So, today's my first day at my new school, and I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic about it. I got up with plenty of time to spare and put on my new uniform, which unfortunately was a shirt, tie and blazer, unlike my old polo shirt that I was used to. Luckily, I could already tie a tie, so I had no problems there.
I put extra effort into straightening my hair, and even put a little bow in it, I really wanted to make a good impression. I did my usual make up and checked over my appearance once again. I was content today, so I headed downstairs for my breakfast.
Mum was already up and sat at the table with a mug of coffee in hand, she looked up as she saw me enter, "Morning honey, looking smart today" she commented as I did a spin for her, something we've always done when I'm wearing something new.
"Thanks mum, I'm feeling positive today"
"That's good, I'm sure you'll be fine." she smiled at me as I headed to put the kettle on and make myself my morning cup of tea, I literally cannot function with out this stuff.
I grabbed a slice of toast and my lunch and headed out of the house to my new school.

I'll admit that I was nervous, but I kept it hidden, the old me was going to be who I was today, happy, friendly, and ready to take on anything.

Once I got to the school, I headed to the reception to find my timetable.
"Ermm hi" I said to the receptionist
"Good Morning, can I help you?" She asked very politely.
"Yeah, I'm umm new today, I need my timetable?"
"Oh yes! Lorena Harrison isn't it?" she said whilst rummaging around her desk, presumably looking for the piece of paper with my timetable on it.
"Ah here we go!" she smile triumphantly, "If you just wait in here for a few more minutes, we're going to buddy you with a student so you can find your classes and everything, oh, here he comes, hi Cayne" I realised that the woman could talk. She was friendly enough though.
I heard a slightly familiar voice behind me, "Hi, is this Lorena?" it asked.
I turned around, only to be met with my knight in shining armour from the other day, I could see the cogs turning in his head as he remembered where he recognised me from.
"Hi Lorena, I'm Cayne" he smiled at me,
"Hey.." I didn't really know what else to say. Before long we left the reception towards what I assumed was my first lesson.

"So... Lorena... I knew I recognised you... It was you in the alley, wasn't it?" crap...
"Uhh... Yeah... That's kinda why I've moved school..."
"I knew I'd get to see you again, even if at the time I didn't know your name" he actually seemed happy to be talking to me, maybe things were looking up.
"Well I guess you were right with that one" I replied smiling. We reached the doors of one of the buildings and entered them, Cayne holding the door for me like a gentleman. "So, am I in any of your lessons then?" I asked him.
"Yeah I think you are, that's probably why they chose to buddy you with me, it's just one of those things this school does"
"It's probably a good idea, seeing as I have no idea where I am right now" I laughed, and he chuckled in response.
"It's not a big school, you'l learn your way around soon" we entered a classroom, the boards suggesting that it was a maths room... Oh the joys...
"Maths?" I asked despairingly looking at my timetable, hoping that there'd just been a room mix up, but no, it was definitely maths, first thing. I followed Cayne to the back of the room where he threw his bag on a table, I followed suit, sitting at the chair and resting my head on my arms, my early morning was catching up with me already.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... I'm not gonna spend too long on this part of the story, just as long as I need to... I have some drama planned for the near future so yeah... :)