Say It One More Time


I quickly ran out of the school gates before my parents saw me. If they had seen me, I would never have been able to do what I had planned. It wasn't much, but I suppose it would have the desired effect for a few weeks...
I know of a dodgy shop not far from the school, the type that allows anyone to buy age restricted products, alcohol, fags etc. That's where I went.

A small bell rang as I pushed the door open, and a musty smell engulfed me. I headed to the counter where I saw a balding middle aged man sat staring at a laptop screen. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me.
"Can I help you?" He asked me sounding bored. I was soon sorted and I made my way out of the shop, back into the fresh air, I could barely breath in that place.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw that it was mum calling me.
"Hey" I said as I accepted the call
"Where are you hun? We just left the office and no one can find you anywhere, we're worried" her voice sounded slightly worried, but I knew I couldn't tell what I was actually doing.
"Oh yeah... Sorry I went fro a walk, I need to clear my head"
"Ok sweetie, I just wished you'd let us know, will you be out long?"
"No, I'll be back in an hour or so"
"Ok then, I'll see you soon"
"Yeah, bye"
The phone clicked off and I slid it back into my pocket and went on my way.

It was only a 15 minute walk to my destination, Cayne's house. I checked to see that there were no cars in the driveway before heading onto the front lawn.
I put my bag onto the grass and opened it up, pulling out the blowtorch that I bought from the shop and got to work.

When I was done I took a step back and admired my work. I had burnt the words 'RAPIST PIG' into the lawn. Not much but as I said, it won't grow out for a while.
I quickly but the blowtorch back into my bag and quickly made my way back home, where I'm sure I'll have yet another talk about what we can do next.


I opened the door carefully to try and hear if mum and dad were talking about me at all, but the house seemed quite. Well apart from the radio coming from the kitchen.
"Mum? Dad?" I called as I dropped my bag in the hallway.
"In the kitchen hunny, your dad's just gone to get us some lunch" Mum called through to me. I suppose that would make sense, seeing as his car wasn't in the driveway.
I went through to the kitchen to see mum making up hot chocolates with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles, our favourite comfort drink.
"Mmm that looks good!" I smiled as I approached her
"Just wait til your dad gets back with our lunch, you'll be even happier then" she replied.

Then, right on cue, dad arrived holding a bag that I guessed was from the chippy.
"Special hot chocolates, and fish and chips?!" I grinned
"Oh yes! And we'll even eat them in the paper" This time it was dad that was grinning, while me and mum rolled our eyes at him "What?" he asked as he noticed our expressions, "it always tastes better in the paper" he defended as he set the portions out on the worktop.

"You are such a child dad" I laughed, it felt good to laugh, made me feel better. I reached the salt and vinegar down from the cupboard and passed it round, before we all headed to the living room to watch some crappy daytime TV and eat.

"How about you go and get a shower and have a rest Rennie?" Mum suggested when we had finished. I nodded in agreement, as they both sounded like very good options right now, but I know that it was only so that mum and dad could discuss options without me.

"I suppose you'll go over my next options later then?" I asked as I took my paper through to the kitchen bin.
"Yeah, I think it'd be best for you rest first, get a clear head" Dad agreed before I headed upstairs, making sure to remember my bag.

I spent nearly half an hour just standing in the shower, washing away the feeling of the shop and the blowtorch and also, the blood from the few cuts that I gained. It felt good. Once I was satisfied, I headed to my room, and without even bothering to dry myself I climbed into bed and fell asleep instantly.