Status: New

Welcome to Peach creak.


"Magnesium... Chlorine..." I was quietly reviewing the elements of the periodic table, when I suddenly heard a sound. A screeching sound, from outside. I looked out the open window, the cold air immediately hitting my face.
I saw a large white truck labeled 'U-Haul.'
'Someone is moving in the dwelling next to me? How wonderful!' I thought.
I placed my carefully labeled homework in my backpack, and walked out of my bedroom door.
I quickly turned back, and wrote on the white board above my desk, 'REVIEW PERIODIC TABLE.'
I quickly ran out my room, and out of my house.
"Mother, I'm going out to socialize with my companions!" I called, as I exited my house.
"BE BACK BY 6 TO SCRUB THE SINKS!" my mother yelled at me.
I walked to the right, where the new mover was. I saw a short girl, maybe my age, with brown hair- with purple streaks neatly strawn about it. She was wearing rather distinct clothing, mostly black.
She was carrying a big cardboard box, labeled 'BRENDAS STUFF.'
Before I could speak up and say 'hello,' she was inside already. The door from the moving truck was closed, and it drove away quickly.
I wonder if she is anti-social? It seems that way, as she looks to be 'Goth.'
I dropped the last box in my room, panting.
Finally! I was done!
I set up things like school stuff, and set up my clothes in the dresser, and decided I would go out.
"Allys, I'm going out!" I yelled. "Don't wait up!"
"Shut up, stupide." she yelled. "I'm sleeping!"
I smirked, and continued on walking out the door. I also picked up my South Park sweater and skateboard.
I slowly rode my board on the sidewalk, and seeing the houses, I could tell the neigbours weren't normal.
That's ok. I'm not normal either.
I came accross a few kids, all laughing. At what?
As I got closer, I could tell they were laughing at a very short kid with a yellow shirt. he was covered in what appeared to be gravy and even under the brown liquid i could see his face red.
Another kid, about 4 times his size, was standing there, looking stupid.
One kid noticed me, and he was wearing a backward red cap. "HEy, who are you?" he inquired.
"Ah- I'm Brenda. I just moved in in that gay yellow house over there," I replied, pointing over my shoulder.
"Hey, that's right next to where Double DORK lives!" he said, and started laughing again.
"What happened here?" I asked, nodding towards the sticky scene.
"The tall kid, Ed, spilled a bucket full of gravy on Eddy." a very hideous girl with orange hair and way too mature clothes for such a young'en said, between laughs.
"So they're Ed and Eddy?" I asked. "That's gay. About as gay as this kids hair." I pointed towards a boy with blue hair.
"Poppycock!" he yelled.
"Poppys don't have c*cks. Daisies do, though." I said.
"You are one weird girl!" an odd-looking bald kid with a piece of wood said, his high voice hurting my ears.
"Anyway, these two idiots- Imean- kids, have another friend, Double D, or, well, Edd. With two Ds." the blond girl further explained. "Oh! By the way! I'm Naz!"
"Hello, Naz." I said.
The short kid stormed off, and went into what must have been his house.
"Hey! Let's go get jawbreakers! ON ME!" the backwards cap boy said.
"YEAH!" the crowd of kids chorused, and they ran over to where I guess the toy store was. I decided to just go on home.
On the way home, I bumped into a kid. Literally bumped into him. I caused him to drop all his papers on the sidewalk.
"Ah, god. Sorry, mate." I bent down to help pick up the mess of papers.
One of them sadly didn'tmake it; it landed in a puddle.
"Oh, dear. My essay on Easter Island- RUINED!" the boy I'd jumped into said.
"I'm sorry. Really. I-I can re-write it for you. I'm a total history buff." I said.
"Oh, I couldn't do that. I'll just rewrite it myself." he said, and continued on walking. Then he suddenly stopped.
"You! You live next to me now, correct?" he asked.
"Y-yeah." I said, quietly.
"Ah! I saw you moving your stuff in." he said.
"Wull bye." I said, as it was my catchphrase.
He looked at my legs while I walked away.
Do I walk funny?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. Thats about it. Brenda's sick humour is funny, no? Yeahhh. Poppycock! Daisycock! xD