Status: New

Welcome to Peach creak.


I strolled around the cul-de-sac, and saw Edd, Ed, and Eddy (So gay.) sitting on a curb, Eddward holding a notebook.
"Hmm.. we could sell chocolate." Eddy said.
"YEAH! THEN LETS GET NAKED!" Ed yelled, smiling.
"Uh, no, Ed.. we can save that for when we sell real estate.." Edd said.
Ed pouted, and said, "Aw.."
As I passed by, Edd noticed me.
"Salutations, Ms.McKenzie!" he exclaimed, standing up. "Ed, Eddy. This is my new neighbour, Brenda."
"Hey," Eddy said, bored.
"HELLO!" Ed said, shaking my hand furiously.
"Ed! You're scaring the poor girl!" Eddward scolded. "Sorry, Brenda. He gets a bit over-excited."
"Whatever," I said, and I started to leave.
I heard someone snort. Then chuckle. As I turned around, who was to be Eddy, was full-out laughing.
"What's so god damned funny?" I asked.
"Eddy!" Eddward whisper-yelled.
"WHAT? I'm supposed to pretend she doesn't WALK funny?" Eddy said, much too loudly.
I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to strike.
'Not now, Brenda. Now is not the time to have a bad reputation. Warning, Bren. Let him off with a warning..'
"WHAT did you say?" I asked slowly, through clenched teeth.
"You. Walk. Fun-nee." Eddy replied, slowly, so there was no mistake.
"You little shi-"
"Brenda! Watch your language, especially in front of Ed..." Eddward whispered.
"Was she about to call eddy a ship? EDDY'S A BOAT? I WANNA RIDE!" Ed hopped on Eddy, crushing him on the pavement.
"Damn it, Ed!" Eddy said, barely able to breathe.
Ed stood up, still smiling like a moron.
"Anyway, everyone has problems. Like, Eddward here is a nerd. Ed is an idiot. And you, Eddy... You've got your magnetic personality." I said knowingly.
There was a silence. It felt like it had been hours, before Eddward spoke up. "I am not a nerd, Ms.McKenzie. That is extremely offensive."
"Sorry, Edd." I said, faking a sad pout.
"Personality, dumbass."
Eddward slapped a hand over Eddy's mouth.
"Wh-what was he gonna say?" Ed asked.
"Uh.. he was gonna say..." Edd got nervous suddenly.
"Bich. It's Latin for generosity, ya know." I said.
"Yes! Bich!"Eddward agreed.
"Bitch." Eddy mumbled.
"I don't walk funny." I murmured.
"I LIKE GRAVY!" Ed yelled out.
"Ed, we know-"
"You DO walk funny! Hey, it's ok-"
"Eddy, leave it alone-"
"Dat ass."
"STOP!" I yelled. I could not keep up with this tangled conversation!
I stormed off, my walk now ruined. I was in front of my house, when I realized- I have a friend. I no longer only have my sister to call my friend. My only friend was the one and only, sockheaded nerd, Eddward.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah! Just to show a bit of who's friends who's enemies. Yah.
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