Status: New

Welcome to Peach creak.

My tooth cleansing mixture tube has deplated!

"Binder.. pens... GameBoy... mun-ehh.. ok, I'm all set." I announced, closing my messenger bag.
"Moi too. Let's go, before there's hella kids out there!" Allys said, putting on her pink chullo hat.
"That again?" I rolled my eyes, putting on my blue hat- which had a yellow rim, and a yellow poof on top.
We walked out the house, and Allys threw me an apple.
"I told you, I don't eat apples." I said, throwing the apple back at her.
"Well that's lunch then." she said, smiling.
We were already registered in the school (we registered yesterday :o) so we walked to it, as it wasn't too far away.
Allys' single red streak flew around in her face, the wind hitting it at all the wrong times.
When we got to the school, we went to our lockers. Mine was next to Allys'. Who was to my left?
"Aw, your locker's next to mine?" he groaned.
"I'm not too happy either," I said.
"Brenda, do you have a brush?" Allys asked, poking me.
"Yes, Allys. Here." I handed her a small black brush.
"Thanks." she replied.
She stood next to me, and Eddy's eyes widened.
"What the.." he said quietly.
Edd came along, and noticed Eddy's weird expression.
"Oh, my. What's happened to Eddy?" Edd asked worriedly.
"I don't know, he-" Allys started.
Edd's eyes widened too.
"You're... you're... twins?" Edd and Eddy asked.
"Yes, now drop the subject before I punch someone!" I growled.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Eddward!" Edd said, shaking Allys' hand.
"And I'm Catatafish. CATATAFISSSH." Allys said.
"She's Allys." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Well, Allys, this is Eddy." Edd gestered to Eddy, who was writing something.
"Yeeah, can you step away Double D? Kthanksbye." Eddy replied, still writing.
"What on Earth are you writing that could be so important?" Edd asked, very mother-like.
"Nothin'." Eddy said.
Edd snatched the notebook out of Eddy's hands.
"WAYS TO GET MONEY OFF GOTH GIRL?" Edd asked, flatly.
"Wellll." Eddy said.
"I'm not Goth." I said, pouting.
"Then why do you wear so much black?" Eddy asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Screw you guys, I'm goin' to homeroom."
The bell rang, and we all went to our classes.
At lunch, Allys and I sat near the back.
We were discussing South Park ratings when the Fags- I mean, the Eds came along.
"The best episode so far, rated officially, is Good Times With Weapons." Allys stated.
"The least viewed so far, counted OFFICIALLY, was season 15's cliffhanger, You're Getting Old." I stated.
"That was also the fi-"
"Hello, Brenda, Allys!" Edd said.
"Hey. Can you guys go now, kthanksbye." I said.
"Why aren't you eating anything? You people anoreptic?" Eddy asked, smirking.
"ANOREXIC. And no. I don't eat in public." I said.
"Why? You eat like a pig?" Eddy said.
"No. Just.. germs.. everywhere." I said, shuddering.
Allys poked me suddenly, hard, on my shoulder.
"Ow! You know that's still soar!" I groaned. "What?"
"That kid with the cap is staring at us." she said.
"Groan. Now I have to get violent." I said.
Edd spoke up. "Ladies, ladies! Violence is not the answer! Allow me to handle this."
He walked over to the kid.
He came back bruised up, and bleeding.
I gasped. "Eddward! What happened??"
"Oh, well, Kevin beat me senseless when I asked him why he was staring." he replied simply.
"Dude!" I exclaimed, in shock. I grabbed his hand, and dragged him to my locker.
I opened the door, and pulled out my first-aid kit. And my makeup set.
I cleaned the cuts, and put bandaids.
I made sure there were no broken bones, and opened the makeup set.
I used cover-up on all the bruises, and some on his eye.
"Ok. Done." I said. "Oh, one more thing."
I took out a small needle labeled 'Painkiller' and put his shirt sleeve up.
"This won't hurt too much." I said, and slowly inserted the needle.
"Ow." he said.
I put a heart-shaped banaid on the tiny hole.
"There! Now you're all set." I said proudly.
"H-how did you learn to do all that?" he asked.
"With all the times I've gotten myself hurt some idiotic way, I need to fix it somehow. So I carry this stuff around just in case." I explained.
"Well, thank you very much, Brenda." he said, gratefully smiling.
"You can call me Brennie, Edd." I said.
"Well, ok, Brennie. We should head back to lunch now." Edd announced, and I closed my locker and we walked back.
He is the only real friend I have here.
Is he a friend?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ackackack. Gag. Bleur. Not my BEST work... :/
Happy Belated Thanksgiving you idiots! (not really)