Sequel: Would You Miss Me?
Status: Done.



I feel like I'm suffocating inside. I don't understand. Everyday I feel further and further away from everyone and everything. Everyday I sit in my room and cry. On the outside it looks like I'm ok. I'm not OK. I look in the mirror and I HATE what I see. Even though my family loves me. Even though my friends love me. I hate myself. I've been cutting since I was 14. 2 years later It still happens. No one knows. I make it look like accidents if someone see's them by accident. I can cover them up with bracelets. I don't want to cut. I just feel numb inside. I need to feel something.

I have contemplated suicide. I've thought about what I would write to my parents when they found my body. But then I think about the rest of my family and what it would do to them. I always put them first even though I'm their last priority. Although I'm pretty sure if I killed myself, more than half the people I know that "care" about me wouldn't. I feel like I'm suffocated in my own head. With no way to escape.