
1 intro(Scarlet)

My names Scarlet Jones.
I never really fit in with any crowd, the 'populars' 'goths' 'jocks' 'nerd' "dramatic', but That's OK I prefer not to label my self or be labeled.
The weird thing is I don't even fit in with my own family! I have jet black hair and blue eyes while every one else has sandy brown hair and hazel eyes.
Freaky I know.
I've asked my mom If i was adopted but there's proof that I wasn't, and that both of my parents are genetically related to me.
It's weird.

Well enough of that let me tell you about my school life...
It sucks donkey nuts!
Not just waking up at the ass crack of dawn and making your self get up even thou your body wants you to sleep.
I get bulled...a lot.
Not by boys really, by the gossip girls.
I never really pay attention to there rude remarks on how 'goth' or 'emo' i am because I usually have my headphones blasting on my ears, but It's more physical.
I get shoved in the hall, or booked a lot. Sometimes I find mean notes on my locker or gym locker.
The teachers don't care for me at all, because I speak my mind and I usually prove them wrong, then I get in trouble. Call me a bi*ch.

Like I said I don't really fit in, everyone knows who I am thou, and I have like....One friend.
Ether way I prefer to be alone, and read, or sing, dance, write. I'm good at all of thous things, but I never have a ballz to show it...

Oh, and my one and only friend, Sprat. I wouldn't call us a crowd, two people, naa. I just met Sprat at the begging of the school year (Sophomore) And He was kinda a loner, so one day he was in the hall crying, and I was trying to skip class, but the more sensitive side of me had to go comfort him.

I guess he was being bullied, and being the new kid isn't really that fun i guess, so I disited to let him into my social bubble.
My mom thinks were dating but....Sprat Is gay.
So there's that.
Well this past mouth has been really effed up, as soon as this new kid, Nate, came to our school.
He's nice and all....and hot....Sorry, but ever sense he's moved here I've been having dreams about HIM! And in my dreams he's a....vampire.
I'm pretty upsets with vampires....well the ones that don't sparkle! But it's every night this happens.
I started to keep a journal about all the drams too.
But it seems like every day I see Nate I fall in love with him, more and more every GD time!!
I don't want my life to become so much more dramatic, I don't need this!

If YOU want to add on to the story just message me or comment :)
I hoped you liked it