
2(Scarlet's journal)

November 25, 2011
It's three in the morning -__- i just woke up from another dream, this one wasn't like the other ones, this time Nate....KISSED me! It was odd, one minuet I'm walking in the woods all alone, then this girl is running in the woods so I fallow her. Well it ends up she's a vampire.....A very mean one!!
She attacked me, and she was just a little girl. Well this little girl was really strong,and she pinned me down I ended up hitting my head on something, like a rock....Actually my head hurts like fu*k right now....Well then the little girl was about to bite me then Nate tackled her down off of me.
While they fought I moved myself to lean against a tree. I could only see blurs of then fighting, and echos of them talking until the little girl stormed off.
Nate came over to me, the picked me up bridle style and carried me to a river.
he cleaned off me head then my vision started to come back.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
This was the first time in my dream that he actually talked to me.
"I think." I told him, but managed a smile.
He brushed my hair behind my ear and looked at me, his bright green eyes, seemed to see right through me.
And then he just kissed me! And a few seconds later I woke up.
Usually in my dreams I don't do any thing, i just stand there but like i said this one was different, It almost felt real because I actually felt pain and felt Nate's lips touch mine....
Well My head hurts, so I'm going to go find some Tylenol, and try and go to sleep.
