Right Where I Belong

I Told You So

*Two Weeks later*
I was cleaning my apartment still trying to forget about my date with Jake. The worst part was the fact that Jake continued to talk to me. He had apologized for the whole thing and somehow found a way to blame the freak out on Benji, which I didn’t understand what so ever. I only talked to him for shits and giggles, there was no way I was going to go out with someone who was just trying to use me.
It was bad enough that I would relive it when I nothing to do. So as I had been for the past three days, I was cleaning my apartment, again. It wasn’t even dirty, I just needed something to concentrate on. Vitani was watching intently on top of the island counter as I ran around the room like a chicken with my head cut off. After serving the living room, I decided it was time to grab something to eat, since I hadn’t eaten much of anything today. I opened the fridge and grabbed some of the left over salad I had from yesterday. My phone went off for the twentieth time that day. Vitani jumped a bit at the sound of going off. She stalked my phone from her place on the counter and then pounced towards my phone in the corner.
I grabbed my phone before she could do anything. Benji had yet sent another text. ‘I’m coming over to check on you since you have failed to answer any of our calls and texts, we’re all worried about you Ally.’
‘Benji don’t waste your time. I’m fine; tell McKenzie and everyone I’m fine. I just haven’t felt like going out and we both know the only reason you are coming over is to tell me “I told you so.”’

I set my phone down and Vitani sniffed it a little bit before making her way to the sink were she proceeded to stick her nose under the leaking facet. I knew Benji wouldn’t listen, why would he? I thought about McKenzie, she had probably been dying to see me, but I’m sure she figured I was busy or needed space. I sighed heavily.
“Let me guess V, you want a bath.” I said trying to remember exactly what day I had given her a bath. I went under the sink and started grabbing the shampoo and other things for Vitani, there was a knock on the door and I already knew that it had to be Benji.
“It’s open” I yelled as I ran some warm water for Vitani’s bath. I noticed Benji out of the corner of my eye. I turned giving him a smile.
“Hey what are you doing?” Benji asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“I’m about to give my baby girl a bath. Do you want to help me?” I asked as I picked Vitani up from her new location by the stove. I shut the water off and placed Vitani in it. Benji looked at me as if I had three heads.
“What?” I asked after he didn’t say anything.
“You’re giving her a bath?”
“Yes, she needs one. She doesn’t have hair that can soak up the oils from her skin or to protect her from dirt and stuff. This is how she keeps clean.”
Benji nodded and silence fell between us. After what seemed like hours, Benji finally said something. “So how come you have been avoiding us?” he asked. Just then my phone went off; I didn’t even bother looking at.
Instead I looked at Benji, “we both know the only reason you came here was to tell me ‘I told you so’, so why don’t you just say it so it’s did and done.” I sighed
“I’m sorry I said those things Alyssa, I was out of line really.” Benji apologized, “So back to the question, why have you been avoiding us?” Benji looked at me and then to my phone.
“Thanks, I guess. I don’t know, I just haven’t felt like hanging out with anyone…don’t you ever get that way?” I asked putting a small amount of shampoo on my hands to lather Vitani with.
“Yeah I guess, McKenzie was getting a little worried about you. I personally think you are avoiding us, because of your date. Aren’t you going to answer that text? What if it’s your editor?”
“I know who it is and no I’m not going to answer it.” I looked down to Vitani who was rather enjoying her bath. “I guess I haven’t talked to her for a few days.” I mumbled in realization avoiding Benji’s statement about my failed date.
“A few days…Ally you haven’t talked to any of us in two weeks.” Benji snatched my phone from the counter and proceeded to look at my phone.
“Don’t you have any manners? It’s rude to go through someone’s phone.” I stated quickly avoiding Benji’s expression.
Had it really been two weeks, it sure didn’t seem like it. What had I been doing for two whole weeks to not even notice. Sure the sequel of my first book had taken up most of my time, but not even a book could take me that far from reality.
“This jackass is really texting you? Not to mention you are talking back!” Benji asked as he set my phone down. I rinsed Vitani off and let her play with what little bubbles that hadn’t popped. I grabbed some qtips and the eye drops so I could clean Vitani’s ears and around her eyes.
“So what is Benji Madden doing today?” I asked giving him a warm smile again avoiding Benji’s question. Benji looked away sighing, he was getting frustrated, but so would I, having people avoid your every word isn’t easy.
“Why are you texting him Ally? Are you that desperate for a guy?”
“Benji I’m talking to him for shits and giggles, honestly I find it funny how he tries so hard. I’m not going to let someone use me like that, he made that clear thirty seconds into our date. So back to my question, What are you doing today?”
Benji shrugged “I was thinking of seeing if this one chick I know wants to hang out. I think I might like her.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Chapter five is UP!!! Sorry this took awhile. Please comment with your thoughts...what do you think will happen? What would you like to see?

OH!!!! One Last thing!!!

Thanks to:
Hateful.Misery &
NicoleMarie.MN for the comments, much love to you both.
Thanks to the 8 subscribers that are reading and following this story. Don't be a shy reader, comments are welcome!