Just To Say.


Dear Love,

it's our second year anniversary! I'm so excited our love has come this far. I hope you at least read this letter. It's the only way I get to explain things since I haven't seen you in a while. It just makes me wonder, why don't you visit me anymore? Why don't you at least call? I've asked mutual friends of ours if they've seen you and their response was no.
I hope they're not just saying that. Please be honest with me, is something wrong? I'm sorry if I'm asking so many questions, but I just hope everything is alright. I know this may sound silly, but I've grown to believe that after loving each other for two years... That you've become sick of me and this is why I haven't heard from you. Please let this not be true my love. I know you still love me...
I arrived at your house a few days ago. I knocked on the door and asked if you were home, they replied no. I asked where you were and when were you going to be home, they said you walked off and they didn't know when you would come back. I just really want to know what's going on. You know you can tell me anything. I always am and always will be here for you.
I hope you find this letter. It's on the tree stomp in our spot at the park. Remember? The tree with our initials? That cherished moment seems like so long ago.
Well I must end this letter now. Please call me, if not, please write back and leave it in the same spot. I love you


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Short story. A little drabble for the first part.