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On Being a House Pet

"Ophira! Come here, please!" my mother called.

I approached her where she was standing in the doorway. The closer I got, I realized that Lysander was standing at the door. He gave me a grin and I blushed and looked at the floor.

"I've come to take you for a walk," he announced.

"I'm not a house pet," I snapped.

"Ophira!" my mother gasped. "He is a member of the army and should be respected. Don't speak to him in that manner!"

"Yes, mother."

I stepped outside and Lysander offered me his arm. I ignored him and began walking. He quickly caught up and fell into pace with me.

"You're not going to make this easy, are you?" he asked with a grin.

"I already told you…"

"I know, nothing but friendship."

We walked to the outskirts of the city where the breeze rustled the tall green grass. Flowers dotted the landscape. I turned and looked at Lysander.

"So… Why me?" I asked softly.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Why have you chosen to chase after me? You obviously decided to wait to get married seeing as you're 20."

He paused for a moment to give me a smile.

"I listened to Aetos talk about you day in and day out and you seemed like the most interesting girl."

"Interesting…" I trailed off.

"Not just that, but I figured you were unattractive. But, you weren't. Your fire and passion is very attractive."

I threw my head back and laughed.

"Most men find it extremely unnerving and unappealing."

He clasped my hands in his.

"Ophira, I'm not going anywhere. I will pursue you until you give in."

He was so close I could see the fire in his eyes. I smiled weakly.

"You will go somewhere, Lysander. The next time Sparta goes to war, you will leave. And, just like Aetos, you may never come back. I'm not going to give my heart to a man who will just break it."

His head dropped.

"And again, we don't know each other at all."

"Enough of all of this," he spat. "Let's just walk."

I nodded and we began to walk. We talked about our childhood, our hopes, our dreams. Lysander was different and it made me slightly uncomfortable. I began to understand him more. Eventually we made it back to my family's home. He stared at me longingly. I blushed deeply.

"Ummm… thank you for the walk," I murmured.

"You're welcome."

He leaned forward and I turned my head. His kiss landed on my cheek.

"Goodbye, Lysander."

"Good night, Ophira."

I watched him leave. He turned around and gave me a casual smirk. I stepped inside and leaned against the wall.
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