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A Sincere Request

My heart pounded as I replayed the walk in my head. I didn't want to feel this way.

"Daughter, come speak with me," my mother called from the kitchen.

I made my way in and began to help her, easily working.

"How was your time with Lysander?"

"It was fine," I replied.

"I have something important to say, and I would appreciate it if you would listen without speaking."

I nodded silently. My mother knew me too well and that my stubborn ego and quick tongue often prevented me from hearing what was important.

"Lysander is a wonderful man and he has nothing but the finest of intentions. It would make your father so happy if you would marry. We would love to see you happy and in love. We would love to see you have children."

I listened to my mother and felt ill. Many times men had come calling, but it meant nothing. But, here I was, feeling emotions that were new to me. Being stubborn, I didn't want to admit this. So, I chose my words carefully.

"Mother, I just can't just fall in love with whomever you want me to. Lysander is a wonderful man, but I wouldn't make a good wife to him."

"Why not? You have grown into a fine woman whom any man would be proud to have by his side. Not only are you a beauty, you are intelligent and loyal," she implored.

"I couldn't stand to be with someone who I don’t know whether he's going to live or die."

"He is a Spartan, most likely he will live. You need to just give him a chance."

"Mother, I am content with the way my life is."

"Lysander is a very convincing young man. Aetos regarded him highly and you should not take that lightly. He did not have many close friends and you know that. You only think you are content. I must tell you, love is the most amazing thing. I might worry day in and day out while you father and brothers are gone, but I would never give up that love to make my life easier."

"Yes, mother," I said. "I understand."

"Please, just don't close yourself off to him because he is a soldier. At least soldiers are honest, unlike the political snakes who stay at home."

I nodded and excused myself. Maybe my mother was right. I didn't know what I was missing. Maybe this is why whenever I think of Lysander, my stomach flutters and I smile.
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Thanks to she. It's good to know someone is reading. I really liked this idea, so it's nice to know someone else likes it too!