Getting Physical

Smart. . .

"Hey, chicklin'!" My mother exclaimed as I came through the front door and plopped down onto our sofa. "You just won't believe who I spoke to this afternoon." Mama said as she sat down beside me.

I sighed, "Who mama?"

"Alissa's mother, Angela!" She said as she patted my bruise arm. "Where'd that come from?" She asked sweetly.

"Volleyball." I lied. "Why did you talk to Angela?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I was trying to set up a party for you and Alissa. Lord, 'Lissie, don't look so scared. Sheep-white is not your color." She said jokingly. "But seriously, what's tha matter?"

"You know that me and her don't speak anymore and you've got a serious obsession with wanting me and her to be friends. People change. You know what? Why don't you call and talk to Lilypad's mom? Envite her over."

"She's lower class, 'Lissie. I won't do it." She grumbled.

"Fine. Be that way." I growled as I stood up off of the sofa and stomped into the kitchen. "Do we seriously have NO FOOD in this house?!" I asked as I slammed the cabinets, one at a time.

"You shouldn't eat your emotions, 'Lissie." my mother sighed as she layed down, her feet propped up.

"I'm not playing this game today, mama. Where. Is. The. Food."

She growled. "Top left cabinet."

"Thank you." I said in a way-to-cheerful voice.

"You're so not welcome!" she yelled back.

I laughed a snorting laugh. "I like your cake!"

The words, "No, no, no, no, no,no! Don't touch tha--" blended in with the sound of runninh. Which my mother certainly never did!

Her words stopped as she saw the piece of cake, sitting on my plate, a fork full, already at my lips.

"Caaake." She groaned helplessly. "Come on, 'Lissie! Damn it!"

She took the fork from my hand and then it was my turn to groan.

"Whhhat!? That was mine, get your own!"

"It was your dads, moron. He's coming for dinner."

I rolled my eyes. "Twee-ysweas---nuuot nmuoraw--" I grumbled.


"I said, 'three years divorced. NOT NORMAL'!" I practically yelled.

"What's not normal? I want details! "

"You kiss him when he comes in!"

She shrugged. "Force of habit."

"You make goo-goo-eyes at him for hours!"

"He's attractive, shoot my for looking!"

I snickered. "You divorced HIM, you shouldn't be interested."

"Once again, sh--"

"I know!" I laughed, "shoot me for having eyes."

Mama laughed. "Now why would I shoot you? "

"Uuummmm, because I ate your ex-husband's piece of cake?" I asked as she kissed my head.

She laughed her giddy southern flirt laugh and snorted, covering her mouth. "Homework. Go on."

I nodded, sighed, and put down my now very small piece of cake."Oookay." I groaned out.


Sometimes I hate being smart.