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"Abby!" the little ten year old Ginny Weasley, squealed excitedly, and ran straight up to the shy looking brunette, standing in her doorway. It was midday, and she had not long returned from seeing her older brothers off to Hogwarts, the school of magic she would be attending next year. "Come upstairs! I have so much to tell you!" The ten-and-a-half year old Abigail Turnsley didn't need telling twice. Ginny was her best friend, and she loved nothing more than sitting in her bedroom, gossiping about things, or even better, hearing the stories about the evil Lord Voldemort, and the legendary Harry Potter. To Abigail, this was all a big story, Ginny's parents, Molly and Arthur, had conjured up for her entertainment.

"What is it Ginny?" she had called back excitedly, and followed her friend into her bedroom, and closed the door.

"Harry's at Hogwarts!" Ginny exclaimed, feeling excitement bubble in her. Abby grinned, but seemingly had the wrong interpretation...

"Really!? Tell me more! What happens next?" she squealed, sitting on the floor and looking up at Ginny expectantly. Ginny blinked.

"What do you mean? I don't know what happens next..." Eventually, Ginny had realised - Abby still believed that everything she had told her was fiction. And now the news she had been itching to tell her all day was pointless unless she knew the truth. "Umm...Abby? I kind of...have a bit of explaining to do..." Abigail may have been just over ten years old, but she was still incredibly smart for her age.

"What are you talking about Ginny?" she blinked, and Ginny slowly sat next to her.

"I've been lying to you, Abby..." she said quietly, and Abby shifted uncomfortably.

"What do you mean...?"

"It's all true." It was a few seconds before it had sunk in for Abby. Ginny screwed her eyes shut, expecting her best friend to start yelling at her, and worse, even fall out with her. However, she opened her eyes to see her on her feet, grinning widely.

"It is!?"

"You're not mad?" Ginny asked in shock.

"Are you kidding!? Ever since you started telling me about it, i've been praying it'd be real! It's the most exciting thing ever!" Ginny continued to stare at her in shock, but then let a massive smile spread across her face.

"It is...sometimes...."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about everything I told you. All of it's true. Even..." she looked around nervously. "...You-Know-Who." Abby immediately understood, and felt a little taken aback. Nodding in understanding, she began to think about everything, and suddenly she had another realisation.

"Wait, so Harry Potter's real too?" she asked excitedly. At this, Ginny felt she couldn't have smiled any wider.

"That's what I was going to tell you about! He's going to Hogwarts!" Abby's face lit up excitedly.


"Yes! And i'm going to Hogwarts next year!" Abby's face dropped into a look of complete shock, and a hint of jealousy was in her eyes.

" are?"

"Yeah! Haven't you ever wondered where my brothers went?" Abby contemplated on it for a moment. It was a fair point...

" You're a wizard?" she looked straight into Ginny's eyes.

"I'm a witch, yeah," Ginny said, grinning widely, feeling over the moon that she could now let everything out to her best friend.

"I wish I could go to Hogwarts..." Abby said suddenly, staring dreamily out of the window. Ginny got up off her bed and gave her a big hug.

"I wish you could too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello readers! This is my new Harry Potter story. I've never wrote one before, but i'm really enthusiastic about this one, so we'll see how it goes, shan't we?

Big shout out to the ever amazing Lozza, Lyzsi, Lena and Elena, my MCRgirls that have helped me through so much, and I wouldn't be doing what i'm doing if it wasn't for them :D<3

Another big shout out to Amy, who is equally amazing, and I have convinced to join Mibba! Go check out her first story (also Harry Potter :3) and leave her a comment :)

Peace out! :3 <3