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The Burrow


Abby jolted awake, suprised at hearing a boy's voice call her name. She had absoloutely no idea who the voice belonged to, but it was still strangely familiar.

Half a year had passed since Abby's best friend Ginny had told her that magic did exist, and that the evil Lord Voldemort did do all those things, that she herself was a witch, and of course, that Harry Potter was real, and walking, right here, in London...

Looking out of the window, it couldn't have been any later than 4am. The sky was a crisp blue-y-purple, a nice sight to wake up to. Abby leaned over to pick up her mobile, and winced when she saw that it was five to 4. Falling back into her bed, she tried to fall back asleep, but she found it near impossible. Closing her eyes, she tried to clear her mind, but something was stopping her.


There it was again! That voice! Abby shifted uncomfortably in her bed, but that wasn't the end of it.

"Abby. It's me."

Things got stranger as time progressed, and she felt her eyes get groggier.

"Never mind. You'll find out soon enough. Just sleep well. Goodnight."

Abby would have been the most confused she had ever been in her life, if it wasn't for her falling asleep immediately. In fact, so quietly and peacefully, it was almost magic...


Abby brushed her hair once more, gazing at her reflection in the mirror, and glancing down at her outfit. She knew immediately that her mum would disapprove. Fiona was a wealthy woman, who expected only the best; wearing only the finest clothes on the high street, and of course, sending Abby to the best private school she could find, which Abby loathed. he, on the other hand, didn't care about money. Abby prefered adventure, and actually doing something, doing something fun. She had dressed herself in a short purple dress with purple tights to match, with pink converse on her feet and covered with a pink leather jacket she had coerced her dad into buying for her. She heard the weather woman's voice coming from the television downstairs, and realised that her dad had woken up. She would have to be even quieter.

"Abigail, have you woken yet?" Her mother's shrill voice called from the bottom of the stairs. When there was no reply, she barely made out her father's low grumble.

"Come on Fiona, leave her for now." With that, there was silence once more, and Abby slowly pushed her window open. The massive vine that grew on the side of the house provided a perfect escape method for Abby when she wanted to get out of the house, and she was so used to climbing down it, that within seconds, her feet had hit the ground, and she was running excitedly to the Weasley's house.


Abby immediately knew something was different about today. The bright blue Ford Anglia that always sat in between the shed and the house wasn't there. Although, it could just mean Ginny's dad, Arthur was using it, right? A familiar voice from above Abby made her instantly bubble with happiness.

"Abby! Don't open the door, i'll open it, mum's really angry about something." Ginny smiled down at her from her window, and Abby ran up to the door, waiting patiently.

"Surprise!" Abby chuckled as the door opened to her best friend. They shared a quick but excited hug, before running up to Ginny's bedroom.

"Look," Ginny pulled out a massive, leather coated book. Across the front, were the words STANDARD BOOK OF SPELLS (GRADE ONE). "It's for Hogwarts. How amazing!?" Abby gazed at it in wonder, trailing her fingers over the cover.

"Think we could open it?" Abby asked, her eyes glittering with excitement. Ginny grinned, and flipped the cover over, and began to flick through the pages.

"Look at this! The words look so weird. What's this one...Lumos?" Ginny glanced from the book to her hand. "Wand!" she exclaimed suddenly. While her friend was rummaging around for her wand, Abby glanced at the page. Lumos - Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch. "Found it!" Ginny exclaimed, and rushed back to the book before Abby could merely open her mouth. They both gazed at the wand excitedly. Abby had never seen magic in her life - this was the moment she'd been waiting for.

"Do it," Abby encouraged, and they both took a deep breath.

"Lumos." As soon as the word had left Ginny's lips, the tip of the wand suddenly illuminated, lighting up the entire bedroom for a few seconds, before dying down.

"Wow..." they both breathed at the same moment. Abby looked up to Ginny.

"Do you think you could do it again?" Ginny looked a little reluctant.

"I don't know...this is Ron's wand, he'll kill me if he found out I used it." They both looked down sadly, until Ginny had another idea. "How about I show you my robes, and the jumper mum made me?" Abby grinned widely, agreeing immediately.

"Yes! Where are they?"

"Hold on, my robes should be just here..." she disappeared into her closet, and then reappeared with what looked like a plain black version of that dressing gown her mum wears.

"Can I try it on?" Abby asked, without even realising what she'd said, but squealed when Ginny nodded. It was like something inside her bubbled as she slipped on the robe. It was was like she was meant to wear it. But why? Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Ginny's mumbling.

"I can't find it anywhere!"

"What is it?"

"My jumper! Hold on, let's go ask mum!" Abby loved Molly, Ginny's mum. Whether it was because she was the opposite of her own mother, and treated her more like family, or because she had told her she was welcome whenever she liked. Like anyone who would be in her position, she did not waste this oppurtunity. In fact, she was at The Burrow, as Ginny called it, almost three times a week!

Abby followed her down the stairs she had climbed so many times, not knowing this moment was about to change her life. "Um, mummy, have you seen my jumper?" Abby heard Ginny ask, as she jumped down the last two steps. At seeing Ginny's face, she didn't even hear her Molly's reply. Nervously, she walked up behind her, and saw what she was looking at. The family dining table, and sitting at it, Abby could recognise Ron, and the twins, Fred and George. Ginny's older brothers. But there was another boy there. Black hair and glasses - he looked out of place. But Abby couldn't help but feel a sort of...pull...toward him. Like a magnet. Noticing her presence, he smiled warmly and said "Hello!", but when she felt a tug at her arm, she remembered Ginny's expression, and allowed her to pull her back up to her room. Ginny closed the door as soon as Abby was inside, and collapsed onto her bed.

"Do you know who that was!?" she asked exasperatedly. Abby looked at her blankly.

"Not really..."

"Abby! That was Harry Potter!" At this realisation, Abby froze, her mind going crazy. Had she really just stood feet away from the Harry Potter? Had he really smiled at her? Her mind switched back to the feeling in her stomach when she saw him.

"You can't be serious...." Abby continued to stare at the floor with wide eyes, her head spinning.

"I know! What's he doing in our house?"

"Ron?" she suggested, without even realising, but Ginny gasped in realisation.

"That's it! Remember I told you that Harry was going to Hogwarts!? Well we saw him in the train station! It was mum that helped him! He must have made friends with Ron!" Abby nodded - it made sense. She opened her mouth to speak again, but Molly's voice interrupted her.

"Ginny, remember we're going to Diagon Alley today!" Ginny looked at Abby in shock - she had completely forgotten. It was mere seconds, however, until her eyes widened to the size of the moon, and her mouth broke into a grin.

"Mummy, can you come up here a second?" She shouted down, and Molly appeared within seconds.

"Yes dear, what is it?"

"Can Abby come to Diagon Alley with us!?" Both Abby and Molly's eyes widened in shock.The mere prospect of going to Diagon Alley excited Abby almost as much as seeing magic.

"I'm not too sure dear, only wizards are capable of travelling by floo powder." Abby felt her heart sink at the words, but Ginny didn't give up.

"But can we at least try? You've never tried, have you?" Molly opened her mouth to oppose, but she gave in. She glanced to Abby, who was smiling politely at her, though her eyes were begging.

"Oh alright. But I can't guarantee anything!" She had barely finished her sentence before she was bombarded with hugs and "thank you mum!"s and "thank you Molly!"'s.

Abby didn't know what she was more excited about - going to Diagon Alley, or getting to spend the day with the legendary Harry Potter...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello again!
Thank you to my two awesome commenters ;D
And thank you to those of you who are reading it - I hope you're enjoying it!
The Character section has been updated with Abby's profile, and here's her outfit :)

Peace out! xx