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Letters To Lovers, Friends, and Others.

To: Kenny From: Megan

Dear Kenny,

KENNY! ILY! You're my best guy friend in the whole world. We've known each other since birth. It kinda bothers me when people say we should really go out. They just don't understand how close we are; you are like my brother and I don't think I wanna change that. Sure I'll admit I've thought about what it would be like to be your girlfriend, but I just can't see us like that. Sure I like it when you let me lay on your shoulder when I'm tired on the church bus at night, but your my brother and really enjoy our friendship to much to might ruin it if we do ever try to go out. Probably one of the main reason I'm kinda afraid to like you is because if we do go out then what happens if our relationship ends badly? What then? I know you just might say "then we can just be friends for the rest of our lives." But I know that we might stop talking to each other, and I don't want that to happen. I think I'm in love with our friendship. But I'm starting to get this wierd feeling in the back of my mind that makes me think, "What if this could be more?" or "Just think how well he will treat you if you do go out with him!" I'm afraid that it might just turn out like the other times that I have told my friends about my feelings. I really don't want to ruin our friendship.
