Status: Active

Love Isn't Always Fair


I'm so so sorry, but I simply cannot finish writing this story. I'm not in the healthiest place mentally right now. To my credit, I really did try to sit down and write yesterday, but by the end of the chapter, Andy had left Emmeline, and she had killed herself. I don't want to write in that state of mind. So I'm sorry, but as of right now, this story is on an indefinite hiatus. To be honest, I don't even like Black Veil Brides anymore; I've grown past them. I don't know why, I just don't like them anymore. Music tastes change, and I'm not going to write about a band that I don't even enjoy or listen to. And I hope that you all can respect that.
I think I am going to continue publishing original stories on this website. Not right away, but soon I will continue. Writing fanfiction just isn't enjoyable for me anymore.
If you want to keep up with me until I start writing on here again, you can go to my writing blog, Nothing has been published there yet, but I have many poems and stories to put up, hopefully soon.
If you really want to contact me, or keep in touch, follow my main blog,, because that's where I am mostly.
Thank you so much for everything.