Status: Active

Love Isn't Always Fair

A Lovesick Melody

Bruised and bloody, there weren't many places I could go without attracting any attention. I was going to go to Lianna's house again; her mother wouldn't be home yet, but it was a half a mile away. Plus, Lianna knew nothing about my father,

I needed somewhere to go, somewhere close, where no one knew me enough to tell anyone about anything.

I told him the address, causing him to smile.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I live a couple blocks away, just moved here last week.”

“Cool, that's convenient,” I laughed.



I walked up the path to Andy's house, hoping his parents weren't home. There were no cars in the driveway; that was a promising sign.

Hesitantly, I rang the doorbell. I could hear it echoing inside the house.

A moment later, Andy opened the door.

“Emmeline? What are you- oh my god, what happened?”

I could only shake my head, the tears starting to fall again.

“Come on,” He shut the door behind me, and ushered me into his bedroom.

“Your parents aren't home, are they?” I managed to ask.

He shook his head. “Nope, I live alone.”

“But- how? You're under eighteen!” I said, confused.

Andy chuckled a little. “It's a long story.”


After a pause, Andy said, “So, what happened to you?”

I smiled a little. “It's a long story.”

“Well, I guess that's fair then,” he responded, also smiling.

A part of me wished he wouldn't say that, wished that he would make me tell him the truth about what happened, and wouldn't stop till I told him. A part of me just wished to be loved, as cheesy as that sounded. Oh, sure, Lianna loved me as a friend, but that wasn't real love. It was just friendship.

If I went to a psychologist or something, they would probably just tell me that this need for love was just stemming from the lack of it from my father, and the lack of a real family. But I didn't really care about the why or the how. I just cared about the what.

“Come on,” Andy said. “You should probably get cleaned up. That's a lot of blood.”

I took a shower, and put on a t-shirt and my gym shorts, that had already been in my backpack from classes on Friday. They would be comfy enough to sleep in, and I didn't really care if they got dirty for p.e., on Monday.

Andy offered to let me sleep on his bed, so he would sleep on the couch in the living room. But I refused; I was asking too much of him already. I insisted on sleeping on one of the couches, and Andy, being a gentleman and refusing to sleep on the bed, slept on the other. It was kind of nice.


The next morning, having nowhere else to go, I stayed at Andy's. I was worried he would mind, but he seemed almost happy that I was staying over. Almost like he'd been through a similar experience, I thought, but that couldn't be true.

We didn't really have anything to do, so we just hung around, and watched a few movies, since we had no homework. It was such a good feeling to feel wanted. Of course I felt wanted with Lianna, but that was different.

A few times during the movie, I caught Andy looking at me. As soon as I would glance up at him, he would quickly look away, acting embarassed. Maybe he likes you back, the positive voice in my head suggested. 

We watched movies till about eight, then we just hung out talking. 



"What's your full name?" To me, it sounded like he'd changed his question at the last second or something, but I answered anyway. 

"Emmeline Carolyn Satcher." I responded. 

"Hmmm." He paused a moment, seemingly lost in thought. 

"What about you? Your full name, I mean." I asked cautiously. 

"Huh? Oh. Andrew Dennis Biersack."

After a pause, Andy spoke. 

"You never did tell me, who did all this to you."

"I guess I kind of owe you, for taking me in and all, don't I?" I asked, putting off the moment when I would have to tell him the truth. 

"You don't owe me anything. I just want to know."

"My father," I whispered as quietly as I could. 

He only nodded. "That's what I thought."

"You did?" I asked, surprised. "How?"

"Let's just say that I know what it's like," he muttered. "It's the reason why I live alone."

"Oh," I replied quietly. There wasn't really anything to say after that. 

Soon, I drifted off to sleep. 


I watched her as she slept, not being able to myself. Part of me knew it was a creepy thing to do, but the other part of me didn't care. 

She really was beautiful. 

As quietly as possible, I got up and walked to the dining room table. I took out a pen and some paper, and started to write. 

Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention
Of learning how and when we'll die, but we can't listen
I wish to god I'd known that I, I didn't stand a chance
Of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed
Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted
You aren't alone just know that I, can't save our hearts tonight

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
And face today
You're not alone

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
And face today
You're not alone
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is up kind of late, but I went running today with one of my friends (Five miles! Woot woot!) (Okay, I know that's not too much. But whatever.) and I left at about twelve, and got back at about five (we weren't running that whole time though, a bunch of it was spent eating lunch and then hanging out at a park). Plus, I wasn't feeling particularly motivated to update, considering I know you guys have read the last chapter, but NO ONE commented. Come on, I have four subscribers, couldn't at least ONE of you guys have commented? ;(

Also, I know that I've been updating like, once or twice everyday since this story has been published, but just to warn you, that could go down very drastically. I had Thanksgiving break this past week, and we didn't go anywhere, so I had a ton of extra time on my hands. I've really sucked at updating stories in the past, I think I'll do better with this story, because I like the topic a lot more, and I dunno, I just like this story a lot more than stories I've written on other sites. I'll try to update tomorrow though, I might work on the next chapter a little bit tonight. By the latest, I'll update by Wednesday. My goal is to update at least every other day.

BUT, I will only update if I get comments. I wanna know that you people actually like this story!!! I didn't want to become one of the meany people that did this, but I want 2 more comments before I update. It's just two!!! It's not that bad, is it??? That means only half of my subscribers need to leave a comment!!! Of course, if the rest of you guys WANT to leave a comment, that will definitely make me want to update more often. ^.^

Oh, and I don't own the song Carolyn. That belongs to Black Veil Brides.