Status: Active

Love Isn't Always Fair

You Always Want The One That You Can't Have

Emmeline's POV

Lianna came up to me in first period.

“So, Andy gave you a ride to school, huh?” She said, annoyed.

“Um, yeah, he did. Why?” I asked cautiously.

“Well, excuse me for thinking that it was always best friends before boy friends. Guess that doesn't apply to you, does it? I tried to call you all weekend.”

“Lianna, first of all he's not my boyfriend. And second of all, how many times have you ditched me for a boy?” I was starting to get angry now.

“It doesn't even matter! I-”

Just then, the bell rang. The teacher quickly hushed everyone.

“Whatever. Have fun with your new best friend,” Lianna muttered, walking to her seat.

I felt awful, but there wasn't anything I could do now. I supposed I'd just have to try to forget about it, for now at least. Lianna had to forgive me eventually; it wasn't my fault.


I couldn't really focus on anything until lunch, when I could see Andy again. I remembered his promise to introduce me to Ashley and CC.

“Hey, Emmeline,” Andy greeted me. “Still wanna meet the guys?”

“Sure,” I answered, smiling.


“So this is CC,” Andy informed me.

“Hi,” CC said with a grin.

“And this is Ashley," He continued.

“Hey,” Ashley winked. “We should really get to know eachother, if you know what I mean.”

Andy kicked him in the shins and glared at him as I laughed quietly.

“Ow!” Ashley protested. “I was just being friendly!”

Friendly,” Andy snorted. “You were getting a bit more than friendly there, pal.”

“Still, you didn't need to kick me,” he muttered again.

“Whatever, we've gotta go. See you guys later.”

“Bye!” CC waved to me. I smiled back.

I glanced up at Andy as we walked away. “Interesting guy there, Ashley.”

“Yeah, you could say that again,” He laughed. “So, I guess I'll see you after school, then?”

I nodded. “See ya!” I called over my shoulder, as I hurried to my next class.


Later, I walked out into the parking lot, immediately seeing Andy, sitting in his black Toyota. We were pretty much the only people left here, as I'd had to stay a little while after school to talk to one of my teachers.

Andy's POV

I smiled as she climbed into my car and sat down.

“Hey,” I said amiably.

“Hi,” She replied.

“Just waiting for the damn motor to warm up,” I explained. “Might be another minute or so.”

Emmeline just nodded.

I glanced over at her, and caught her staring at me. She blushed a little, but held my gaze.

Slowly, I leaned over towards her.

Emmeline's POV

I sat there, frozen, as he leaned over, bringing his lips down to mine. I could feel his cold lip ring pressing on my lower lip.

He put his hand on my knee, and leaned in to kiss me again, through my tears.

“It's okay, Emmeline,” He said softly against my lips. “Don't cry, be happy.”

“Please,” I whispered. “I love you, don't do this.”

“Emmeline, I thought you'd understand. I
need to do this.”

“No you don't,” I shook my head frantically. “You don't need to do this. Please,” I begged, “Don't leave me.”

“Alright,” He answered calmly. Suddenly, I could feel something cold again my head.

“No! I didn't mean like this!”

“But don't you see?” He replied, excitedly. “It's perfect! We'll be together forever, Emmeline.”


With a gasp, I brought myself back to the present. Leaning away from Andy, I struggled to open the door, to get out, to get away from the memory.

“Emmeline, what is it? What's wrong?” Andy asked frantically. He grabbed my hand, holding me back from opening the door. “Emmeline, I'm sorry!”

“Let me go, Andy,” I mumbled. “Please, let me go.”

Slowly, he let go of my hand.

I pushed open the truck's door, and ran to the only place I had left.


It was a long walk, four miles, but I was used to it. I ran through my tears, and when I arrived at my house, I discovered the door unlocked.

That wasn't right. What had happened since I'd left?

Cautiously, I stepped inside the house. “Hello?” I called. No response.

I slowly walked into the living room. There lay my father, beer and bottles of pills surrounding him.

“Dad?” I asked. It had been so long since I'd called him that.

There was no answer, not even a sign of breathing from him.

Carefully, I placed two fingers against his wrist.

No pulse.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M SORRY!!! I swear, I tried to update yesterday. I had the whole chapter written out and everything, but I couldn't upload it because the internet wasn't working on my dad's computer, and he wasn't home to fix it... but I remembered the internet password this morning (don't ask how I memorized it, I just did) So yay...

And, I left you with a bit of a cliffhanger there. Man, I love writing cliffhangers. I hate reading them, but I love writing them. Heehee. I think I must be torturing some of you, because just when you think they were getting together, I take it away. Mwuahaha, I'm evil like that. Also, as you can see, Emmeline has even MORE problems that you thought before. Who knows, maybe she has more secrets..... DUN DUN DUN.

Also, I did get two reviews, so YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Can we do three this time? I now have seven subscribers, so I would hope three of you could review. -_- I'll try to update before the end of the weekend. :) Note the TRY there, because, as you can now see, I'm not the greatest at updating. Plus, I have a science project due Tuesday that I NEED to work on, and I may or may not have started, and I might be going running again tomorrow. But I'll write whenever I have time. :))))