Status: Active

Love Isn't Always Fair

'Cause Love Isn't Always Fair

"911, what is your emergency?"

"It's my dad, he- he's not breathing."

"Can you tell me your address?"

It took me a moment to remember before I told her. 

"Alright, the ambulance will be there in a moment. Now, can you find a pulse for me?"

"I already tried that; there- there's no pulse."

"Okay, the ambulance should be there now. Is it?"

"Yeah, they're here. Thank you."


I didn't even bother going to school for the rest of the week. My nearest relative  was my sister, who would be coming to live with me. I had never met her; she had moved out with my mother when I was only five years old. She was set to arrive next Saturday. 

On Monday, I went to school. I could hear people whispering around me, but I couldn't really focus on anything enough to care. Most of the day passed in a daze. 

Soon, fifth period ended, and it was time for lunch. At first, I headed to sit next to Lianna, before I remembered that she wasn't talking to me. 

Then I would've gone to see Andy, before remembering that I wasn't talking to him

So, I ended up sitting alone.


After a few minutes, though, I glanced up at Andy's table. He wasn't sitting with the nice guys from his band. Instead, he was sitting with no doubt one of the most popular, and slutty, girls in the school. I dropped my waterbottle on the ground in shock. Andy turned back, and saw me. I ran away, with tears in my eyes, not caring where I was going.

Soon, I ended up in what I believed to be a janitors closet. Miserable, I sat down on the floor and sobbed.

The door was slowly pushed open.

“Hey,” someone said.

“Go away,” I said. “Please go away.”

Whoever it was didn't budge. I glanced up. It was a boy named Adrian, from my math class.

He came and sat down next to me on the ground. “I saw what happened out there,” He said softly. “And you know, Andy's a jerk for doing that, and he doesn't really deserve you.”

I could only stare at him wordlessly.

Slowly, he leaned in towards me, and it was like fucking deja vu, all over again.

“Go away,” I whispered, trying to get away myself.

“Hey!” Adrian yelled suddenly. “What the hell is your problem? I follow you here, and try to be your friend, and you treat me like this?”

“I- I'm sorry.” I stammered.

Oh God, no, I thought. Please don't let this be happening.

It all happened very quickly then. Adrian swung his fist at me, connecting with my face. It didn't go dark right away, but I could feel the edges slipping away from me.

The last thing I heard was a door opening, and then a familiar voice.

“What the fuck did you do to her?”

♠ ♠ ♠
Um, yeah, so I did get writer's block there for a while, so it took me really long to get this out. Not that I was really trying too hard, considering I only got two comments, even though I asked for three. :( Oh well, thank you anyway to Mayhem17-_- and bahannahpeel for commenting last chapter. :) I am on winter break now for a couple of weeks, expect more updates, but I'm also leaving for Canada to visit all my relatives on the 25th, and staying for about a week, so there probably won't be any updates then.

But anyway, I'm not quite sure what I think about this chapter. Honestly, I think it kinda sucks, but... oh well. It's kind of a filler, but I needed to develop some more things, so this is what I came up with. Can I get three comments on this chapter before I update again? :) Come on you guys, I know I got at least thirteen readers when I last checked a couple weeks ago, just on that one chapter. Which I know is not a lot, even for one chapter, but still. Three comments is all I'm asking, and I'll update again tomorrow. :)